Yep. I stayed home today. I hate being sick, it's so freakin miserable. And I started my dot on top of the lovely cold, so I've got that added extra fun. I think I'm gonna 'call in' tomorrow as well. If I spend all weekend just in bed dosed up to the gills in medicines and drowned in vitamin C, maybe I'll be over the worst of this by monday.
I think I had a fever at some point today. I remember being completely miserable with the covers on but I kept waking up cause I was cold with them off.
I haven't been out of my bed for longer than ten minutes all day today. The only thing I've had to eat has been two bowls of cereal I had around noon for breakfast. I'm not particularly hungry though. Maybe too much mucus has drained down my throat to make me feel hungry? That's gross! LOL
I'm feeling pretty gross right now though, so whatever.
Here's my 'learned something new and share it' for today:
I was watching one of the Understanding episodes my TiVo had recorded for me today, it was Understanding Fire, and I learned that it took Yellowstone National Park burning nearly to the ground to make the Feds realize that fire is a necessary element to the health of wild lands. Before that, the policy was always to put out any fire and prevent, prevent, prevent. Today though, the policy is to prescribe controlled burns. To set small, controllable fires that get rid of deadwood, accumulated brush and over crowding which releases nutrients into the soil to allow new plants to grow - but that are not allowed to go out of control.
So, that's what I've learned - there's guys working for the govt. who's job it is to go around setting fires in forests. LOL Imagine explaining that on your kid's career day! LOL
Also, since it's Thursday and I've decided to post updates on my
101 in 1001 on Thursdays (the start day is a Thursday (today!) and the last day is a Thursday, so it makes sense), here's my update on that:
It's just the first day, and I'm sick as a dog, so I haven't accomplished much. I've done some of my daily stuff. Others I've used one of my sick day skips. Haven't done anything in the Weekly or Misc sections yet.
Daily Goals
1. Spend thrity minutes doing Yoga everyday. Allowed to skip up to twenty days for illness. (0/1000) (-1 sick)
I've slept all day and yet don't feel like I have the energy to eat supper, much less do Yoga. LOL
2. Drink at least three liters of water everyday. (1/1001)
It's all I've ingested all day actually, besides those two bowls of cereal.
3. Write an entry in my LJ everyday (entries consisting of only memes, embedded media/photos, etc. don't count). Allowed to skip up to twenty days for illness/travel. (1/1001)
This one! LOL Though next Thursday the update will get it's own entry. I just didn't feel like posting and then opening a new post is all.
4. Complete Project 365 for the rest of 2008 (take at least one picture everyday and post it) Allowed to skip up to ten days for illness/travel. (0/244) (-1 sick)
Slept all day.
7. Learn one new thing every day and share it. (1/1001)
See above.
8. Floss daily! (1/1001)
9. Start taking a daily vitamin (and actually take it!) (1/1001)
I did. And prolly a good thing too considering my lack of actual food today. LOL