starting 2007 off right

Jan 06, 2007 23:49

I owe Leah a huge debt of gratitude for making sure that I got to go to Canada over Christmas. It was a really great visit - I got to see lots of family and friends, and miraculously there was no arguing or stress with my mom. That is particularly amazing because one of my aunts cornered my mom (in the bathroom of a bowling alley, of all places) and asked her about Leah and I, and my brother and Joe (his boyfriend). So now, hopefully, a little window of opportunity is open for coming out to some more of the extended family - but even if it doesn't happen right now, at least we were able to have a good, calm conversation about it.

Since we got back to MN, we have been busy cleaning our carpets and rearranging furniture. And we have spent most of tonight watching Sex and the City while I'm helping her correct the big mountain of school work that piled up before Christmas. It feels good to be productive.

There are two things that need to be worked on in the coming year. One is money - which of course sucks right now, because I don't get paid time off. I just found out that I got an extra grant for school, so I can't wait until loans are disbursed - I will be able to pay off everything I put on the credit card for christmas gifts and the plane ticket. The other is, of course, eating and exercise habits. I'm not even going to pretend to do anything about that until school starts though, because it's way too hard when you're not on a regular schedule.

identity, health, relationships, leah, finances, glbt, mom, canada

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