May 13, 2008 08:32
Two weeks ago I was in Target and someone just happened to be stocking the cabinet in the Electronics department with Wii's so I figured "Why not?" and bought one.
This past weekend I picked up "Geometry Wars: Galaxies" which is a ton of fun, simple yet hard to master. I didn't like the regular Wii controls so I ended up picking up a "classic" controller last night. My brother and I both agreed that what's annoying about the classic controller is the analog sticks have notches for 8 different directions, it would be much better if it were smooth to allow even 360 motions when playing. Oh well.
So the graphics on the Wii are weak, but it's cheaper and the game play is entertaining. Now I just need to get some more games. Right now I just have Geometry Wars, No More Hero's and Wii Sports. If anyone has some games I can borrow or suggestions, feel free to drop me a line :)