May 13, 2006 22:17
Time for me to rant, because today just seemed to top everything from before.
This last week at work things have been nuts. We had an issue midweek, and the next day they went and extended the working hours until 3. The sad thing being that when the working hours were at 2, we left early, but now we muster at 2:45 so there is no going home early or anything of the such. Talk about nasty. They just keep throwing more shit on the pile.
After that, things with my roommates have been less then great. I get along with them well for the most part, we live together fine. Every now and then one of them decides to get a thorn in his ass about me paying rent, and that's when I get pissed.
I can't afford to pay the rent. I have a car payment, insurance, all the house bills minus electricity, and all of my bills on top of that. Yes, I messed up and dug myself a hefty hole, but I'm doing what I can to get out of it. I make E4 pay, and I don't receive BAH. That being said, I can't afford a 3rd of the rent plus the 3rd of the bills. So, I pay all the bills, except electricity because my roommate has been paying that from the beginning.
My take home pay each month is right around 1800. My roommates are both a paygrade higher and they receive BAH, so their take home pay is like 3000 a month. One of them doesn't have a car, doesn't pay insurance, and has little to no debt, so his only real bill for the month is half the rent. The other has insurance and a car payment and a little other debt, but really nothing else severe. Why they even care about me not payin the rent, I haven't quite figured out.
One of my roommates is notorius for using my shampoo. Yeah, laugh your ass off because I'm bitching about something so trivial, but it just gets on my nerves after awhile. He complains when people eat his food, drink his drinks, use his stuff. I don't do any of those things without either cash compensation, or asking politely. I've told him before to use his own, given that when this started, his wasn't even gone yet. I noticed it again just a couple days ago and left a note on our whiteboard telling him to get some. He knows to ask either my roommate or myself for a ride and we'll take him to get some if he asks. Instead he wrote "rent" next to my note to him. What the hell does that have to do with paying rent? The s.o.b. doesn't pay us for gas for driving his ass to work everyday, or picking him up after we've already been home for awhile. He puts away 1000 bucks a month, and yet he constantly hounds me about not paying the rent.
I pay all the bills I talked about before, and yet I still get bitched at about the rent. Me just paying the bills is harder on me then them paying their half of the rent. I just feel screwed, because they are making lots of extra cash every month, and yet they complain about the rent. I pick up after myself, I do the dishes, I clean the house now and then, I buy things we need for the house like toilet paper and trash bags, I do my part, but apparently that's just not good enough.
I've been talking to one of the guys from work, and I think I might end up moving out this summer. I just want to make sure that I don't get stuck in a situation like this again. I just know I wouldn't care as long as I felt like the other roommates were doing their part if the roles were reveresed here. So, it's just one more thing to add to everything here.
I can't really think of anything else to say right now, so I guess I'm done.