Most people by now know I am pregnant. Seven years ago when I was still with my ex (wanker), I was told I could not have children without IVF. The reason given is that my tubes were scarred and completely blocked. The doctors also found that my ovaries were fused to my uterus. So, I was put on the waiting list for IVF and when my turn came, I said I wished to put it on hold since I knew my relationship was nearly over. When I got together with Dave he knew that if we stayed together we would most likely be childless and he accepted it.
I know why my tubes were blocked. Right before my 18th birthday I became pregnant by my on again, off again boyfriend. I had just graduated high school and was planning to move to California with a friend of mine. All that changed with my pregnancy.
At first, I wanted to give it up for adoption to a couple I knew who could not have children. However, as time went on I felt maternal and wanted to keep the baby. My mother, who has never been there for me, was not supportive of this idea at all. She told me if I insisted on keeping the baby, I would have to pay half the rent, etc. She was living in an expensive place and knew I would never be able to afford it on my meager salary. And she told me that she was done raising me and did not want to know about her grandchild. I knew I was facing homelessness and did not know what to do. There was no one I could turn to. Then, my mom told me that if I had an abortion, she would gladly pay for it.
I was upset over this prospect. And cried for days over the thought that the only way was to destroy my baby. I had no knowledge of social service agencies and my mom did not offer to at least point me in the right direction. She knew I did not want to have an abortion, but also knew I had no choice. So, with a heavy heart I allowed her to book an appointment. She drove me to the place and I aborted my baby. If I did not do it, he/she would have been 21 years old.
Years later, I found I was not able to fall pregnant. And that is when the investigations for infertility found that the abortion messed up my reproductive system. I was never told at the clinic the possibility of this happening. There were women waiting to have abortions, most of them were on their second or third. There was one woman who was on her sixth abortion. It was obvious abortion was being used as a form of birth control. We were offered very minimal "counselling" in a group setting. We were just told that we would be given something to make us sleep and then wake up to juice and cookies. Birth control was mentioned as a side issue. Why would the clinic endorse birth control? It would take away their business.
I know this is a controversial topic, but this is my blog and I will say my opinion, even if it is not popular. I later found out the methods used for abortions. One is suctioning. Basically, pulling the fetus apart bit by bit. Pretty fucking barbaric, if you ask me. Another for later term abortions is to inject a solution into the womb, thus slowly killing the baby. If memory serves me right, this can be done up until the 24th week. My grandmother was born when she was one day into the 24th week! I am heading into my 22nd week of pregnancy and feel my baby kicking. In fact, I can tell you his patterns and the positions he does not like me to be in by his kicks.
I am not a fan of most pro-life groups because they push Christian religious views onto people. And then people say it is disgusting that the pro-life groups show pictures of aborted children. And I say why not? People should know what is involved. Abortion *is* violent and ends the life of a human being. I wish there were some pro-lifers picketing that clinic the day I went to abort my baby. I would have known it was not clean and clinical, but that I was bringing my child to a place for butchering. And they could have told me where I could go for assistance in raising my child.
Now, there are some nutters in any group. I do not condone bombing abortion clinics, following people who work at clinics home, posting their personal details on the internet, etc. That is not being pro-life, but being a right nasty cunt. One can express views without resorting to violence and harassment.
People can argue that a fetus is not a life because it does not feel anything or is truly alive. Or there are no brainwaves, etc. Since I was 8 weeks pregnant, the first thing that was checked was for a heartbeat. Why? To see if the fetus was alive. And everytime I see a midwife the baby’s heartbeat is checked to see if my son is alive. I am not making my son kick. He does it of his own accord. Even before I was able to feel him he was moving and kicking around in my womb. As far as I am concerned that is proof enough he is alive. There have been scans of abortions showing the fetus at 12 weeks screaming while it is being torn apart. Logic tells me that if a fetus has a potential to become a life, stopping it from developing means you have ended that life.
If you really want to see what happens with abortions, go to:
Abortion 73People may say it is disgusting, but abortion is a disgusting and violent practice. Face the facts. A picture says a lot.
And here are some pagan pro-life sites:
Why would a pagan be pro-life?Pagans for Life I am thankful for the chance to be a mother against all the odds. It is like a new lease on life. My son will be loved and cherished until the day I die. He is my miracle baby and is the reason why I have proudly announced my pregnancy. I learned a valuable lesson 21 years ago. Children are precious gifts not to be destroyed, but loved.