I'm done! Done done done. Yesterday was my last day with my contracting company. Now I have two weeks (!) off, then I will be starting my new job.
I don't know when was the last time that I had two whole weeks off (in a *row*!). Probably not since I was about 19. It's gonna be weird. In a totally wonderful way. I can actually catch up on some sleep!
Well, maybe not. Tomorrow I'm driving up to Massachusetts to visit my parents. Then on Monday or Tuesday I'm going to Maine to see my sister, brother in law, and my niece. I can't wait to see them! I miss my sister and the baby so much. My sis sent me an Easter pic of the baby, and she has grown up so much since Christmas! Like woah! She's only 19 months, but she just had a huge growth spurt and now wears a size three. Wow.
Also, my mum told me last night that my 5 year old nephew (my brother's kid) doesn't remember me. Damn, that hurts. I'm going to take him to Target and buy him toys, dammit. He'll remember me after I spoil the hell outta him.
I'm bringing my dog Lulu with me on my trip. J agreed, but I think he's going to be super lonely without us for a week. But when I get home next Sunday, I'll spend a whole week with him before I start working again. But I don't know when I'll be able to take time off after this. It may be quite a while. My new bosses told me that the department is very busy, and I want to be the best employee that I can be, especially in the first year. I want to stay at this agency until I retire. I want to do really well. I am really putting my all into this job. I will excel. I will.
(OK, it's pretty clear that I'm really scared about starting this job. But I'm going to keep telling myself that I'm going to be great, and hopefully I will believe it, right?)
Anyway, I leave behind a company that I worked at for 6 1/2 years. Before that, I worked as a government employee at another agency for -- guess how long? 6 1/2 years. Weird, right? Someone asked me about it yesterday and when I did the math, it kinda freaked me out. So maybe I'll stay at this new job until November of 2012. We shall see.
Anyway, enough of my rambling. I need to get some laundry done and start packing. I'm picking up my rental car tomorrow at 8:30 AM. Ugghhh!! So early!!! But I need to get on the road, because it's about an 8-10 hour drive, depending on traffic and how many stops Lulu and I want to take. Girls gotta pee, you know? Plus there will be Starbucks breaks I think.
I'm renting an SUV at Alamo. It was only a little more than a mid size car, and I'll feel safer in a bigger vehicle. I crashed my Beetle on Tuesday. It sucked. It was totally my fault too, so I have to pay my $500 deductible, plus my rates will undoubtedly go up. At least no one was hurt. But I had a total panic attack, which was so bad that the guy that I rear-ended wanted to call an ambulance for me. He was so, so nice. It was amazing. I just rear-ended his truck, and he was patting my back and was incredibly sweet.
Some people make me have more faith in mankind. Others, however, well... Let's not even go there.
Anyway, I miss you all SO much! I haven't had internet access at work for a month, which sucked. Plus I've been so busy that I've been totally negleting my friends list. I hope to catch up with you guys soon!
I've got lots of love for you all. Be good!
PS - check out my new icon which was created by
pegasusuroborus. Isn't Teyla smokin' hot? I'm so in love with Stargate Atlantis. So shiny! I had to grab some new icons to show my adoration for the pretty boys and girls of SGA.
Hmm, I think I need a Carson icon.