Sep 13, 2004 11:45
**I'll spread my wings and I'll learn how to fly,
Tho its not easy to tell you goodbye.
Gotta take a risk, take a chance,
Make a change, and break away.
Out of the darkness and into the sun,
But I won't forget the place I come from.
I've gotta take a risk, take a chance,
Make a change, and break away**
Hola everybodyy! Hmm, i just wanna start of by saying thank you soooo much to the people who've gotten me through this rough week. I was reading my last journal entry and i absolutely hate when im sad like that. But honestly, reading everyones comments brought me right back up to where i'd like to be.. if not even higher!! Seriously, i love you guyes sooo much. Allie Boombada, becky, Evan and Laura... you guyes are amazing. You made me feel so special and totally made me wanna fight to get through it that much more! Its you guyes and so many others here that make me wanna stay sooo badly but then again just knowing that i've known each of you is enough to fill my life with so much hapiness! When i'm in Florida, just thinking of everyone back home is gonna make me feel so loved. Hah, wow.. im totally saying the cheesiest shit ever but its DEF the truth. I love you all!! ::smiles::
The last couple of days have been getting alot better. Somehow i was able to jump right back into looking at the brighter side of things. Friday I had that really long history class. It wasnt so bad this week though. I met a new friend... his name is Steve! He actually graduated from Hauppauge two years ago. He's in 2 of my classes and lives like right around the corner from me! It's such a small world, heh. After work on Saturday, I had Forchys sisters engagement party. The actual party was LOTS of funnnn!!! The aftermath was a lil sad, but i wont get into that. Im just glad my forchy is handling everything ok =) Yesterday was my first Sunday off in like... FOREVER! It was nice, i coculdnt rest at all though. I got woken up my the men working in my house (like every other morning this week) at like 8:30. Me and my mom got McDonalds, then went out shopping for the ENTIRE DAY! lol, totally wore me out. I came home, did some hw then pretty much crashed. I got to leave after psych this morning cuz my english teacher cancelled class. It was soo weird, we had a fire drill today during class. I wasnt aware that we had them in college too, it just felt weird. So now i'm home and it feels daammnnn goooood! I have work at 3 so im gonna try and get as much rest in as possible!! Once again, i loooove youuu alll!!! <333