2009 Fic Roundup

Jan 04, 2010 18:17

Unlike moonlettuce, I did not have an 'I must write 100,000 words this year' resolution, which is just as well, really, given my totally disappointing not as disappointing as I thought output. But I have shamelessly stolen the meme from her anyway.


This Is How The World Ends (Primeval, Abby/Jenny, PG13) - 1,800 words


Eat, Drink and Be Merry (Primeval drabble, Abby/Connor, PG13) - 100 words
Heartsick (Primeval, Jenny, R) - 100 words
Six drabbles on the primeval_canon drabble tree - 600 words
Chrysalis (Primeval, Abby) - 100 words

It appears that Feb was my drabble month, but I got lots of lovely shinies over on dinosatemybaby for my birthday, so it was all love!


Friday, I'm In Love (Primeval, Nick/Stephen, R) - 6,000 words


Kissing It Better (Primeval, Abby/Connor, PG13) - 2,500 words
The Farthest Thunder That I Ever Heard Was Nearer Than The Sky* (Dark Angel, Max/Alec, NC-17) - 13,250

* Admittedly it took me two years to write this, so not all of it was written in 2009, but I posted it in 2009 and that like, totally counts.


The month of mmom! And still I failed.

Landscape (Primeval, Abby/Jenny, NC-17) - 700
My Mate (Primeval, Abby/Connor, PG13) - 2,000
Panty Parade (Dark Angel, Max/Alec, PG13) - 1,000
Bliss In Every Thorn (Primeval, Abby/Connor, NC-17) - 5,000
Wank!Haiku! (Primeval, Various, R) - 121
Furthering His Agenda (Primeval, Lester/mammoth*, R) - 700
Living Dangerously (Primeval, Abby/Connor, NC-17) - 2,000
How T. Rex Got His Groove Back (Original fic, dino!slash*, R) - 1,300

* it's mmom. You expected sanity?


Nothing. Because I'm a big ol' slacker.


Heart(h) (Primeval, Connor, G) - 100


Still slacking.


New Chapter of Several Miles From The Sun (Primeval, Abby/Connor, WIP, PG13) - 3,400


Prelude in C Minor (Primeval, Abby/Connor, PG13) - 13,000
Life Studies (Primeval, Abby/Connor, PG) - 2,300


Pricking Thumbs (Primeval, Nick/Helen, R) - 3,000
Understanding (Primeval, Lester/mammoth, Lester/mrs, PG) - 100
What My Lips Have Kissed (Primeval, Jenny/Sarah, PG) - 1,800
Random Text Fic for moonlettuce (Tremors: TV Series, Tyler/El Blanco) - 700


Watermarked (Primeval, Abby/Connor, PG13) - 6,400
Woo The Day (Maid Marian and Her Merry Men, Marian/Robin, PG) - 5,800
Last Christmas (Primeval, Nick/Stephen, PG13) - 2,450
'Twas The Night* (The Dresden Files [books], gen, PG13) - 1,250
Mistletoe Mishap (Primeval, Abby/Connor, G) - 2,000
Christmas Caresses* (Primeval, Abby/Connor, R) - 1,000

* Posted to Yuletide but not yet posted to LJ. I'll update the links when I do.

So, that's a total of 80,500 words. Wow. That's a heck of a lot more words than I thought, helped by the two primevalathons and yuletide. I'm actually quite impressed by that. I had no idea I had written quite that many. Maybe I didn't fail as badly as I thought I had :)

My favourite piece of this year: I think it's Bliss In Every Thorn, because I was really pleased with how it came out, especially as I don't tend to write kinky pieces. Although I do have a lot of fondness for my dino!slash

My best piece this year:

Most fun piece: I had immense fun writing Woo The Day and the dino!slash, which I was grinning all the way through while writing.

Most sexy piece: Either Bliss In Every Thorn or The Darkest Thunder That I Heard Was Nearer Than The Sky. In both of them, I had very clear images in my mind of what I wanted to capture in terms of the sex and while I don't think I managed to capture everything (I never think that), I was pleased that both of them still seemed to retain some of that power.

Piece with the single sexiest moment: The one that makes me go 'umf!' and bright red is probably in Living Dangerously, when I get to the point where Abby goes down on Connor as Becker is walking back to the car. There's something about that - the illicitness of that and the fact that, even on her knees, it's Abby who is most definitely in control - that just makes me flush. And it's the abandon, I think, both in terms of what Abby is doing and then what Connor does later - pushing her down onto a workbench and going down on her with soldiers patrolling outside and the risk of being caught at any moment. Apparently, I have a 'could be caught' kink ::g::

Piece that shifted my own perceptions of the characters: Probably Prelude in C Minor. I always think that Connor couldn't possibly stay up beat for ever, not with the weight of things he's done and seen and experienced, and the people he's lost, and it was lovely to explore that and write him breaking down, piece by piece, and then building himself back up again (and it is him who builds himself back up again, although Abby being there undoubtedly helps), in a way that I hope rings true.

Biggest disappointment: That I didn't finish Several Miles. And possibly that only three people care that I didn't ::g:: I don't normally do the comment comparison thing, and I realise that I'm never going to be hugely popular, but my first thought on posting a story and not getting much in the way of a response is that it's because I suck. Yes, I know there are a multitude of other reasons for it, but I can't always help my first, instinctive and insecure reaction. For finished fic, I just suck it up and move on, trying to be better for the next story, and it doesn't have a huge impact apart from the initial (small) disappointment that what I've written doesn't really resonate with fandom (although I do utterly cherish every single bit of feedback I do receive). However, because Several Miles is a WIP, it's much harder for me to do that - the story isn't finished and so, in theory, I should be able to make it better right now, right? Of course, I spend so long trying to 'fix' it so that it doesn't suck (when there are probably a million and one other reasons for the lack of interest in the story), that I end up blocking myself and not writing anything, sort of paralysed with fear. So now I've started just posting parts to my LJ and not linking anywhere else on LJ (fanfiction.net doesn't count because it's a weird beast that doesn't seem quite real to me). I know the 3 people who care are on my flist and consequently I'm already psyched up for those comments and nothing more, and that seems to help get me past the 'I totally suck' blockade, at least partially and at least so far. The rest is just me having to suck it up (although I've not posted a WIP before and won't ever again - the stress is too much!)

Biggest surprise: The amount of femslash I've written. I've been thinking that I ought to write some for a few years now (and if Backup hadn't been the only female character of note, I may have written it in CI5: The New Professionals), but Primeval is the first fandom I've written any in, and it's rather remarkable that I've written quite a few stories now.

Most unintentionally telling piece: I... have no idea. Isn't the point about 'being unintentionally telling' is that you don't know you're doing it? I'm sure others can answer this better than I can.

Goal for 2010: Finish Several Miles


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