Aug 05, 2006 19:24
so today i bought a mac. i was tired of being the nerd in glasses both because i wear glasses and i use a pc.
okay. just kidding. about that last part, anyway. the real reason is that apple has used marketing genius to look like they are do-gooders: every public school in california uses macs. either they get them for free or a fat discount, depending on the location of the school, and as a teacher it would make my life a lot easier to just use one also. for instance, grading software provided by the district? mac only. email program also provided by the district? mac only. yes you can have net access from a pc but on it your functionality drops about 75%. rame.
it's pretty nifty, i must admit. but certainly very foreign for a life-long PC user. like, maximizing a window? i think it's impossible. does anyone with one of these contraptions know differently? any sort of neat tips or tricks mac owners have are certainly welcomed and appreciated. the coolest part, so far, is the built in camera. preeeettty nifty.
okay. back to installing software =)