it's weird

Apr 04, 2006 21:21

April 4, 2006

Dear Ms. Roth,

Pending your official notification of admission from the University,
we are pleased to inform you that you have been recommended for
CONDITIONAL ADMISSION to the California State University, East Bay
Single Subject Credential Program in the Department of Teacher
Education beginning Summer Quarter 2006. This conditional acceptance
is only for the program beginning Summer Quarter 2006. You will have
a CLEAR ADMISSION when all of the admission requirements, including
admission to the University, have been met. If you choose not to
enter, you must reapply for a different quarter and go through the
interview process again.

Within three weeks, you will receive your formal letter recommending you
for CONDITIONAL ADMISSION to the program. Included in this letter
will be information about the University Admission Requirements,
Program Admission Requirements and Post-Admission Requirements, as
well as an RSVP Admission Response Sheet. You will also receive
information, in the letter, about the Team Orientation Meeting which
will be held in June.

Congratulations on your admission to our program! We are looking
forward to working with you.

Please let us know, within five days, if you will be accepting our
program admission offer for June 2006.


Dave and Marilyn Forrest
Southern Alameda County Team Leaders

this was in my gmail inbox this morning. it's weird that my letter of acceptance to graduate school was an email.

i feel like i should be going nuts excited but instead i'm like... "oh, that's cool i suppose." i don't know how to say this without sounding arrogant, which is really not at all how this feels, but there was no reason for me NOT to get in so i guess it is just kind of lackluster. like, okay, duh i'm in. i am happy about the program i'm going to, which is cool, but i wish that CSUEB sounded more like "UCB."
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