I realize I only have a couple American friends on my list anymore--and maybe only one or two them still reads lj
Nonetheless I want to share a couple of links.
On American Health care reform. There are lots of crazy myths going around.
Check out the facts on this non-partisan Pulitzer prize winning site
http://politifact.com/truth-o-meter/And on the White House site
http://www.whitehouse.gov/realitycheck/ America needs health care reform. For the people who have it now, it's only a matter of time before no one will be able to afford it if we stick to the status quo. And don't believe the line that this hurts small business--I organize small businesses. Small businesses need help now!!! The current system is not working. If I can help answer any questions on this, let me know.
It's August recess for Congress and they are at home listening to their constituents. It's a crazy and extremely crucial month with heated rhetoric flying around. Please tell your friends to call their members of congress and let them know they support health care reform with a public option. Even those already supporting need to hear from you so they can say they have constituent support. If you want change--then please make those calls!!
Pass the word along....