Jan 10, 2012 14:28

Blue blue bluuuuuuuuue~!  I'm really hyper.

So, I know it's been forever, but I do still exist!  Really!  I SWEAR IT!  Unless this is all just a lie, and there is no reality, and you're in the Matrix, Neo!

Wow, okay, seriously hyper.  Awesome.

Anyway, I decided I should start blogging again, so I'm going to try to.  Let's see...

Oh, so. I'm a badass.  Yes, I know that I already was, but here's some proof (okay, I don't know if it's proof; I'll let you be the judge).

So, I got those Green Giant Steamer things, where you put them in the microwave and they steam your veggies for you?  Yeah, those, in broccoli and cheese.  And, before you ask, it was delicious.  But, anyway, I stuck it in the microwave and then went back to reading my Cracked article (seriously, if you guys haven't, Cracked.com.  Hilarious articles), and when the timer went off, I pulled it out of the microwave.

Now, the instructions say to let it sit for a minute in the microwave.  But I was hungry.  So, I pulled it out.  And then I decided, maybe I should let it wait.  What if it's not cheesy enough?!  What if the broccoli's still frozen?  Can I afford to take that risk?  But then I smelled it.  And it smelled delicious.  Like.... broccoli and cheese, BUT THAT'S DELICIOUS!  So, you can see my dilemna.  I looked at the clock, trying to decide whether or not I could wait a minute.  Two of the three clocks by me rolled over to the next minute, but the last one hadn't.  And... I was just so hungry I couldn't wait.  So, I opened the bag.  Well, more accurately, I TRIED to open the bag.  That didn't work, and I had to get scissors and cut it open, because, apparently, I am a wuss.  So I opened it, and by the time I had opened it, it had already been a minute.

What. Ze. Hell.  Furrealz.  Anyway...

I don't know why you had to know that.  But you totally did.  SO THERE!

.... BYE!

broccoli and cheese, hungry, return of the blog

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