
Feb 11, 2011 21:41

The perfect topic, and just in time for Valentine's Day!!

No, really.

I went to lunch with Jen today (or brunch, or whatever), and on the way home, we got to talking, I can't remember how, and I somehow started thinking about the very beginning.  Of everything.  OF TIME!

But I digress.

The Christian belief is that God created Adam and then from Adam's ribs created Eve, and it was all good, until Eve had to go and listen to the serpent and get them kicked out of Eden.

Fast forward.

Adam and Eve had kids, and we are told that we are descendants of Adam and Eve, the first humans on Earth.


Okay, now admittedly, I'm a big rusty on my biblical history.  But the two most famous kids of Adam and Eve are Cain and Abel, and that's mostly because Cain was a murdering jackass who killed Abel.  Now... I just remember those two.  That's it for the kids, though, admittedly, I could be wrong.

The main drive of all species on this planet is reproduction.  That's fine and dandy and all, but think about this for a minute.  Adam and Eve were the only two non-related people on Earth, and then they had kids.  That means that we're all spawned from incest, whether Cain slept with his mom or his sisters, or whatever.  Isn't incest bad?  I mean, not to go on some, "We're all doomed sinners destined for Hell, so why bother?" rant, but.... Isn't incest frowned upon, and aren't we told that we can go to hell for that?  I'm not saying that we are, I'm just asking.  And I get that you can't punish the son for the crimes of their father or whatever, but still.  We were kind of screwed from the very start, weren't we??

And, just so you know, I'm not necessairily saying "SCREW CHRISTIANITY, THOSE INCESTUAL ASSHOLES!", but I'm also not going to jump up and down, proclaiming that I was once something stupid enough to devour a worm on a hook either.  I'm just curious.

COMMENT!  Do something.  Bitch at me about my idiocy.  Agree. Disagree.  Call me names.  Correct my biblical history.  I'm okay with any of it.  Go nuts!

christianity vs evolution, incest, eden

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