More Drabbles

Apr 15, 2006 08:08

These are for rubyd because her comment about Sora's parents not remembering him got me writing again. And then while I was thinking about that the little Riku/Sora thing popped up and demanded to be written. I'm not really all that happy with them, but figured I'd post 'em anyway. Sorry if it's not what you wanted Ruby

Title: Darkness
Rating: G
Pairing: Riku/Sora
Summary: [Spoilers!] Riku speaks to a slumbering Sora after his failed battle with a certain Nobody.

Silently, Riku walked through the halls of the laboratory, passing the duck and dog without a glance and making his way directly to Sora’s chamber. The complex was completely still, no one knew he was here, he hadn’t wanted them to. After being defeated by Roxas, Riku had known what he had to do and desperately wished he could speak to Sora. He wished the brunette was able to help him think of another way. Sora had always had a knack for thinking outside the box.

Then again, if Sora were awake he wouldn’t have to worry about it.

The door to the chamber slid open with a soft hiss and Riku stepped into the cavernous room. Purposefully, he strode toward the large stasis pod in the middle of the room, stopping only once he’d crossed the floor sensors that triggered the opening of the front half of the pod.

He watched as the petal like doors descended, revealing the sleeping figure inside. He simply stood for a moment, staring at the face of his friend. A friend who’d stuck by him his whole life. A friend who’d walked through the gates of hell to find him, to save him. A friend he had once again failed.

“I’m sorry, Sora.”

There was no response, the boy slept on undisturbed. Riku swallowed thickly and looked away.

“He uses the keyblade. Your keyblade. A weapon so ensconced in the light that it appears in a nearly blinding flash. It shouldn’t be possible. A Nobody is nothing more than a fragment of the darkest part of a person’s soul. A piece not even large enough to feel more than emptiness.”

Riku snorted lightly and tossed the brunette a humorless smile.

“It really figures that even the darkest part of you is still brighter than the lightest part in me.”

Riku stopped for a moment and covered his face with a hand. Even though he knew the other couldn’t hear him he was still hesitant to speak of what he had to do.

“I can’t beat him with light, so maybe it’s time to try darkness. You’d be horrified, I know, but what else can I do, Sora? It was my betrayal that brought you to this. He’s your only chance and I refuse to abandon you a second time.”

He took a step back and watched as the doors began to close again.

“I’ll bring you back, Sora. If I have to become darkness itself I swear I won’t let you be hurt again. Just hold on a little longer.”

His resolve strengthened, Riku strode back out of the room and headed for the exit.

It was time to find Roxas again.

Title: Forgotten
Rating: G
Pairing: None
Summary: [Spoilers!] Sora's mother reflects on what she's forgotten while Sora lies dormant.

Someone was missing, someone important. It was tearing at her heart but, for the life of her, Miki couldn’t remember who.

Solemnly she sat on an empty bed in the vacant third bedroom of their home. Vacant now, but all around her was evidence that it hadn’t always been that way.

A blitzball was sitting under desk littered with half-finished homework, a lone sneaker peeked out from underneath the bed, clothes belonging to a teenage boy filled the closet and drawers. But the most telling rested in her hands. It was a picture. A simple little thing, really. Just a small photograph tucked behind a thin sheet of glass inside a simple wooden frame.

The picture was of five people. She recognized herself and her husband in the back. Her hand was resting on the shoulder of the mayor’s daughter, Kairi, and her husband was ruffling the hair their neighbor's missing son, Riku.

But her eyes kept returning to the center figure. Her heart kept telling her she knew him but her brain insisted he was a stranger. How could she forget something like this? With her father’s eyes staring back at her half shrouded by her husband’s wild hair she knew he could only be her child.

What kind of mother forgets her own child?

Miki stood and replaced the picture on the night stand. Slowly, she made her away around the books and clothes that littered the floor until she once more stood in front of the desk.

How many times had she stared at this one sheet of paper? At the two simple words written in the right hand corner of a long forgotten essay.

Harada Sora

kingdom hearts, my fics, rikuxsora, riku, sora

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