Found Friday: Name This Bird

Jun 24, 2011 15:10

About a week ago, Kung Fu Panda and I walked to the park. (Or rather, I walked to the park and pushed him in the stroller.) Most of my pictures and videos were, naturally, of him; however, on the way home, we walked by some beautiful flowers. I still like to photograph nature's beauty as I find it; I just don't get around to posting them very often ( Read more... )

nature, video, found items, animals

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Comments 16

creature_girl08 June 24 2011, 20:27:55 UTC
I wish I could see the bird. But it sure sounds like some of the ones we have around here. Very pretty!


alycewilson June 24 2011, 21:58:56 UTC
A friend tells me it's a mockingbird. Don't know how well you can see this picture, because it's smallish, but this is what she says they look like:

I think she's right. This video on YouTube has a better shot of a mockingbird and two minutes of sound:


creature_girl08 June 24 2011, 23:30:18 UTC
How funny, from your discription of how it could sing like other birds I wondered if it could be a mockingbird but without knowing what one looked like I did not want to just guess. The links were great so thanks for sending those along.


alycewilson June 24 2011, 23:35:55 UTC
No problem! I'm really glad now that I got it on video; its song was beautiful.


i_smell_apples June 24 2011, 20:58:09 UTC
Whatever it is, it sure is pretty! Sadly the only bird mimics which are coming to me are lyre birds and bower birds so I am not very helpful. The only zoology subjects I did were Australian Wildlife ones!


alycewilson June 24 2011, 21:57:06 UTC
A friend from this area of the Mid-Atlantic suggests that it is a mockingbird. I think she's right.


i_smell_apples June 25 2011, 17:50:03 UTC
Hehe! He mocks not mimics! XD


alycewilson June 28 2011, 18:05:43 UTC
He's making fun of the other birds.


sharya June 25 2011, 05:29:11 UTC
I've always wondered about mockingbirds! Nice to hear one - we don't have those around here.

Most of our "song" birds that I hear are either robins, or jay-type birds (magpies, blue jays, grey jays, etc). They shriek rather unpleasantly. The crows have a lovely sound to them, as long as they don't think you're an enemy. It's quite conversational really, but they aren't great to have around the other song-birds.


alycewilson June 28 2011, 18:06:37 UTC
We had a lot of crows in my hometown. They sound like home to me.


angelic_mystic June 25 2011, 06:31:49 UTC
I think it may be a mocking bird. I love to just sit and listen to them.


alycewilson June 28 2011, 18:07:07 UTC
I think you're right.


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