Take the last train to Bad Belzig, and I'll meet you at the station

Sep 23, 2013 17:03

I arrived at Bad Belzig and Mauricio was standing directly outside of my train door the moment it pulled up. This shocked me, I didn’t expect to see him so soon.  He had come on a tandem bike, and we had to figure out how to ride it to Zegg at 1:20am with my luggage. I travel light. I have two bags: a small rolling suitcase and a backpack. However I also picked up a whole bag of stuff at the conference, and I had my poster, too.

The poster went in Mauricio’s jacket, the backpack on my back and the other suitcase and bag in the tray. Unfortunately this broke the tray and I had to carry the suitcase for some time, while riding a tandem for the first time ever! It was very awkward!

Eventually we ended up placing the suitcase on the road, wheeling it along the left as we rode through this remote part of Germany after 1am. Do yourself a favour and picture that- it was every bit as dangerous and hilarious as it sounds.

Mauricio and i had some serious problems right before this meeting, and I think the experience broke the ice a bit. We got to Zegg and he had reserved one of the special rooms for us. I felt so distant from him that I didn’t even want to share a shower with him at first, but we ended up cuddling and talking some.

And so began the reconnection.

mauricio, zegg

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