one of the reasons I don't like weibo .. can't post YouTube clips. thought I'd store it here when I figure out how to post to my weibo page.
so .. I have been expressing my feelings of discontent to a few of my friends, about how upset ive been about changes. how growing up or the refusal to, has made me want to move somewhere else. there are days when im feeling guilty for feeling frustrated at friends because they simply won't try new things. a bit off topic, but it's like trying to convince my parents that they won't die from not eating rice for one day. anyway, this clip in mandarin sums up my emotions pretty accurately. kind of soothing that there are millions of people out there feeling the same way. unfortunately only one or two of my friends can relate and as always I feel like I'm a loser for having an opinion.
it's called "this year, im turning 27/28" Posted via
LiveJournal app for iPhone.