Jan 12, 2006 02:16
1. name: Aubrey
2. single or taken: not single
3. sex: female.
4. birthday: July 30, 1987
6. siblings: Older sister (Kathleen}, younger sister (Claudia Rose), two younger brothers (Elliot Tyler and Paul Michael)
7. hair color: Red on a good day
8. eye color: Green
9. shoe size: 6 1/2
10. height: 5’1''
r e l a t i o n s h i p s
1. who are your best or really close friends?: Will, Amy, Nicole, Kimbally, karina, Nicolola
2. do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: I suppose
f a s h i o n s t u f f
1. where is your favorite place to shop: Hmmm Wherever I can find clothes to fit my 5'1" and not emaciated frame...American Eagle, TARGET
any tattoos or piercings: Ears...my mom threatened to cut me off if I pearced my nose
s p e c i f i c s
1. do you do drugs?: Nothing to bad just the heroine
2. what kind of shampoo do you use?: Biosilk
3. what are you most scared of?: Being abandoned
5. who is the last person that called you?: Mi Madre
6. where do you want to get married?: In a church if they'll have me. My receptions gonna be awesome. I wanna be my own wedding singer
7. how many buddies are online right now?: Fifty one. At first I was counting them individually, then I realized that I could just like add together like where it says how many buddies are on in each group. I don't know if that statement made any sense. In conlusion,I'm a big whale's vagina.
8. what would you change about yourself?: I probably wouldn't be a diabetic anymore. It kinda sucks.
f a v o r i t e s
1. color: GREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEN. and some purple
2. food: Mmmmm Mashed potatoes.
3. boys names: Jack, Harrison
4. girls names: Lola, Lucy
5. subjects in school: History, Theater, English
6. animals: eeeh Dogs I guess. Alpacas are pretty sweet too.
7. sports: I really couldn't care less about sports.
h a v e y o u e v e r
1. given anyone a bath?: Oooooh too many to count. I've got too many kids.
2. smoked?: Yerp
3. bungee jumped?: No cause I'm not a crazy motherfucker.
4. made yourself throw up?: I've tried and been VERY unsuccessful
5. skinny dipped?: Eeeew no. There's something about skinny dipping that skeeves me out.
6: ever been in love?: No
7. made yourself cry to get out of trouble?:I cannot tell a lie
8. pictured a crush naked?: Haha yes. It usually just results in giggling.
9. actually seen your crush naked?: yerp.
10. cried when someone died?: yerp
11. lied: Totally
12. fallen for your best friend?: UUUUUUUH no.
13. been rejected?: I actually don't think so because I'm never willing to take that chance due to my crippling fear of rejection and failure.
14. rejected someone?: Yeah only losers ask me out...well in the past.
15. used someone?: I don't think so. Except Nicole for her sex.
16. done something you regret?: Yeah like stuffing my face tonight.
c u r r e n t
clothes: Really comfy pajama pants (or payamas as our new friend nene says) a really perdy pink tank top from american eagle
music: You'll Be in My Heart by Phil Collins (yes from Tarzan) compliments of Nicole
annoyance: The fact that I'm still up and I have to wake up early tomorrow
smell: My hair
desktop picture: Dane Fucking cook
book you're reading: Pride and Prejudice
in cd player: Ok funny story. This American Idol make your own music video CD Rom....yeah it was a christmas gift. Pretty sweet, huh??
l a s t p e r s o n
you touched:Nicole who was dancing on my bed, whilst eating yogurt.
you imed: Dany
you yelled at: Nicole for waking me up out of a dead sleep to watch Will Ferrell
you kissed: Dany
a r e y o u
understanding: No I'm actually not
open-minded: Most of the time, but I can be really judgemental and narrow minded which really doesn't bother me that much soooooo get over it? K?
arrogant: Probably
insecure: yep
interesting: Totally. Seriously, have a conversation with me. I will. BLOW. YOUR. MIND. haha
random: Yeah. Last night out of the blue I was just like "What ARE dimples exactly?"
hungry: I usually am but lately I am sans appetite
Smart: Smarter than you bitches...haha. Seriously though I am.
moody: Sure
hard working: I try to be
organized: No...and I don't even try
healthy with eating: No...gotta die of something, right?
shy: Uuuuum in some situations yeah
difficult: No. Actually I think I'm pretty low maintanence (How the FUCK do you spell that word? Like I seriously just tried it three different ways and NONE of them look right)
attractive: Yeah I'm cute.
bored easily: Yes cause there's nothing to do in DORCHESTER without a car
messy: Oh God.It's wretched.
obsessed: With what? Uuuuh I'm obsessed with older men and chest hair. I mean, I've calmed down QUITE a bit but you know... the flame still burns...uuh yeah.
r a n d o m
In the morning i am: A stone cold bitch. Stay the FUCK away from me.
all i need is: Fun eyeshadow,my family, my friends...oh and Insulin....lots and lots of insulin
love is: unobtainable
i dream about: Hugs. Seriously like hugs in dreams are always the best ones.
o p p o s i t e s e x
what do you notice first: Smile (lips) and eyes.
last person you slow danced with: DICKY GILMORE HOW I LOVE THEE
worst question to ask: hmmmm I'm gonna have to agree with Nicole "Are you a virgin?"
makes you laugh the most: Will, Nicole, my big sister,
makes you smile: The thought of my whole family being together.
who do you have a crush on: My own sweet ass.
who has a crush on you: uuuh How the fuck should I know?
d o y o u e v e r
sit on the internet all night waiting for that someone special to im you?: Yeah. A lot of fucking good that does me.
wish you were a member of the opposite sex?: No way. Boys are icky.
wish you were younger: Ugh no.
cried because someone said something to you?: Yeah but its more what people don't say that makes me cry.
n u m b e r
of times i have had my heart broken: none
of hearts i have broken: none
of guys i've kissed: Hmm let me check my list
of girls i've kissed: two?
of continents i have lived in: Two. Though Hawaii isn't considered a continent its definitely not part of North America...physically.
of tight friends: A few. I'm pretty lucky. Did you ever think about who the one person will be that you're always friends with.
of cds i own: Over fifty? I haven't counted in a long time. It's funny when I first started collecting CDs when I was like twelve, I used to count compulsively as if I was in competition. Except nobody else was competely.
of scars on my body: A few. Mostly from shaving. I tell people they're from motorcycle accidents.
f i n a l q u e s t i o n s
1. do you like filling these out?: No.
2. gold or silver: Silver.
3. what was the last film you saw at the movies? Brokeback Mountain (WHAT THE FUCK?) I did NOT enjoy that movie AT ALL.
7. favorite cartoon/anime?: Family Guy
8. what did you have for breakfast this morning?: Eggs and toast.
10. who would you love being locked in a room with?: Hmmmm Jeremy Irons, Queen Nefferiti
11. could you live without your computer?: No
12. would you color your hair?: and I do.
13. could you ever get off the computer?: I DO sleep.
14. habla espanol? No comprende pablo.
15. ever drank alcohol? Never.
Well that took too fucking long.