I figured out why Europeans hate Americans so much. Despise us, if you will. I guess the rest of the world hates us too, but I’m gonna be particular right now. I was getting my news from BBC (Once you go BBC, you never go back) and reading up on the failed launch attempt of the space shuttle when I saw this intriguing quote…
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I dunno bout you but I took it kinda serious. I don't think people should call the manager of NASA an idiot and refer to Americans as a whole as being "so fucking dumb" because of crappy quoting from some British news source.
i never said you mentioned anything about a fucking contest, but your comment was challenging him, as if it were a contest.
my point was: there's no need to point out things like "you got pounded" when it was fucking obvious to him that many people disagreed with this entry.
and why must you point it out for him??? why?? are you very special to orson? as if he, orson, cannot see the comments on his own journal?
and don't try to be fucking smart with me, you know what you were trying to do, and you know that it was lame and low.
and about the history thing, did you not learn from that? i mean, i know you hate getting "smothered" like that, so why the fuck do you need to do it to someone else? you do realize that it just makes it that much more easier and right for people to continue to do it to you?
oh, so what are you? the spokesperson for NASA? hello? did you not see my first comment on this journal?
i was the first person on this entry to disagree with orson, not as in depth as you, but i still
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