Tagged by mazur

Aug 19, 2005 15:31

my 20 list
Tagged by Mazur:

1. I've watched every single episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer and own all the dvd's
2. The only vegatables I'll eat are potatoes and corn on the cob.
3. I move my foot back and forth as I fall asleep every night...since I was a baby.
4. I had the same dream every night until I was 16.
5. I'm not sure if I believe in love.
6. I know it's going to be a good day when I wake up and it's raining and storming.
7. I got my shoelace stuck in the escalator in the Loove when I was 7.
8. I knocked down part of the Berlin wall with a crow bar in 1989.
9. I was in the Junior Olympics for swimming.
10. My favorite soda is Dr.Pepper
11. I've always wanted to be a drummer.
12. I once had a bee-hive hair cut with a rat tail... :o
13. I had driving long distances more than anything in the world. (i think it's my closterphobia and ADD combined)
14. When I was five I knocked down a steel bolted bathroom door with one kick b/c I got locked inside and I'm highly chlosterphobic.
15. I love it when people ask me questions.
16. I think lying and judging others are the worst things ever.
17. I cried when Princess Diana died.
18. I am the best friend anyone could hahve.
19. I don't believe a person can reject anything until the completely understand it.
20. The most beautiful thing I ever saw was in Austria.

I tag:

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