First thoughts on 604 "Weekend at Bobby's"

Oct 15, 2010 23:15

Hey guys,

Wow, finally I get to say this word before my review, it about time! I was getting really scared that this season should've been born, it was that serious!

They choosen the perfect episode for Jensen's directorial debut! It was funny, no hilarious, focus on Bobby, was an awesome character, and the boys were in the background for once. But just enough presence to not miss then too much like when it was a Dean focus episode and Sam's fans were missing him terribly.

Back to the episode, I'm so happy about it, so proud of Jensen's achievement and really hopefull they will give him more opportunities to go back behind the camera. :)

Let me know your thoughts, I love to hear them.

Until next time,
alwaysateen :)

Hilarious, that’s the first word that comes out when I think about tonight’s episode! Jensen was such a natural as the director, we wouldn’t have guest it was his first time! Every scene, every angle was perfect! And the boys were still present in the episode, appearing once in a while so we almost didn’t realise they had less time. Bobby has always been an excellent character; I was missing him when he wasn’t there for a while so he deserved this major episode! Jim’s perfect in that role and I hope he will be playing it for years to come. It could be a good idea to do more major episodes with Bobby and give Jensen more opportunities to go back behind the camera! I’m sure the producers will agree, words are already spreading on the net how he did a magnificent job!

A little note to start: I’m so glad I’ve read yesterday that Jensen’s father had a little role in the episode and got to enjoy a very beautiful voice, I would love to listen to this newscast every night! Yes he was doing, in the very beginning of the episode, the voice of the newscaster on the TV set that was playing in Bobby’s house while calling Crowley.

I’m happy they didn’t kill Crowley because he’s a funny character, very intriguing too. I’m glad we learned more about him, not good things I may say but still interesting. Bobby’s a good investigator to have found all this background on Crowley’s life as human and this little fact to get rid of demons forever. It was cool the way they got back in the episode and show us how Bobby killed the demon in his basement, very interesting… Changes our perspective on demons too, I guess we really learn something new every day.

I was very surprised when Dean called Bobby selfish, so not like him. I’m guessing the brothers thought Crowley gave back Bobby’s soul when the Apocalypse was stopped. He always kept his words in the past, well sort of. I really don’t like the fact that he commands a hellhound, scare the crap out of me every time I hear it growl. Nice touch that Bobby mentions his legs in the deal too, glad he’s not back in the wheelchair. :)

Previously, Rufus was getting on my nerves but I adored him tonight! He was funny and he offered his help to Bobby without question and before Bobby even thought of asking, such a nice friend. Glad he’s okay too, still pursued by the law but that’s a detail in their lives.

The sheriff was cool too, I adore this actress (she played a twisted woman in “Another World”, yes I’ve got caught in a soap opera, and she was brilliant!) and it was nice to see her character again. In their business, it’s nice to have someone from the law on your side. :)

I’ve finally saw an episode that gave me a reason to love my favorite show all over again! I’m so happy; it helps finish this crappy week such a good way. Next week episode sounds awesome too, wow Dean will be scary and Jensen awesome portraying him!

first thoughts, season 6, director, supernatural, review, dean winchester, bobby singer, jensen ackles

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