First thoughts on 605 "Live Free or Twi-Hard"

Oct 22, 2010 23:37

Hey guys!

Wow, two awesome episodes in a row, finally! I'm so happy!

Jensen was awesome as tonight's trouble Dean! Very yummy. :) I can't believe how an amazing actor he's becoming when he was already impressive when the series started 6 years ago!

Ok, the Dean/Jensen girl moment is over and now you can read my review.
I'm wondering how the Sam girls out there are taking this episode... I guess I will found out in the reviews...

Until next time,
alwaysateen :)

Oh my God! Or OMG like Jensen said he would never say loll. I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw the worst betray a brother could do! Well, Sam’s not Dean’s brother anymore, that’s for sure! He’s using Dean for his own purpose, whatever that is.

Back to the beginning, it felt like watching “Twilight” all over again. Everything was there, the bad dialogue, the mellow romance, the guy and girl who look a lot like Bella and Edward. I was sure we were gonna see this from a TV set or a movie theatre after a while but no it was the kidnapping of a “real” girl who fantasize, literally on the movies and thought vampires were romantic and gentlemen like Edward. Well, she was wrong and got herself in big trouble. I’m wondering what happened to her because we saw her in the nest, she didn’t look like she has been turned but then nothing. Maybe she got lucky and managed to get away in the mess.

For once, Dean must have hated his good looks because they got him trap in that mess! The “king” of the nest fell for him and recruited him for his master plan. Here comes the betrayal: Sam arrived on the scene in time to save Dean from getting turn but just stood there and watched the vampire turn his brother with a smile on his face! Then when he was sure Dean was infected he screamed, attacked the vampire but let him get away!

After, we saw Dean feeling the effects of the change: trouble with lights, hearing everything louder, like his brother’s heart that was beating very calmly for a guy who just witnessed his brother being turn into a vampire… But Sam’s excuse was that Samuel was on his way and he will fix everything. Not before Dean made a run for it to say goodbye to Lisa and Ben, poor them, he must have scared them to death. No wonder she won’t answer her phone afterward, I hope they gonna be able to work things out because they’re Dean’s perfect family he always wanted and deserved.

Back to Sam and Samuel, a very dark Dean (yummy Jensen though, sorry fangirl moment) reassure them he didn’t drink blood, yet, and ask them to kill him before he hurt someone. Samuel has another idea; he has a cure in his father’s book: they have to get the vampire who turned Dean. I thought it would be more tricky then that but still not easy. Dean knows where to find him, he can feel him from across town and he’ll infiltrate the nest to get him.

When Dean’s gone, Samuel ask Sam what’s wrong with him, he’s not worried about his brother at all. Sam just replies that he got reassured with the cure idea and that’s it. But then Samuel mentioned he already discussed the cure with Sam a few months ago so he knew about it tonight. Did he intentionally let Dean get bitten to find the “first” vampire? Sam says no but his grandfather is not convinced at all, neither am I; Sam Winchester didn’t return from hell, something else entirely did…

It gets weird when Dean got to the nest, the whole plan to turn cute guys and girls to get as much as new vampires as possible and everything. Dean’s vision when every single vampire in the building dropped down unconscious, that was just too creepy. But Dean getting rid of every single one of them was awesome! Sam and Samuel entering the nest finding dead bodies everywhere and Dean resting his foot on the head of the vampire who turn him was priceless and very impressive.

The cure looks nasty and painful but gave Dean an advantage: he clearly saw Sam’s betrayal, even the smile of success. I was so glad he remembered that part because with the whole rewind thing, I was afraid he was forgetting everything. But, on the contrary, he saw everything in a new light, like Sam big interest in what he learns in the nest and the vampires’ master plan. I think he even saw the very first vampire Sam’s looking for but, for once, kept that information from his brother.

In the beginning of the season, when we saw Samuel and family gathering the djinn and speaking to someone on the phone about the baby shapeshifter that they lost, I thought Sam was left in the dark about their plan but now I know he’s in on it and working for whoever was on the other end of that phone call. Maybe they know who brought them back but cannot reveal it… All suppositions but it gets you thinking…

Anyway, awesome episode, so glad I can say that again, and I can’t wait for next week and the battle between the brothers! I hope we gonna learn some truths and not some more lies.

first thoughts, season 6, sam winchester, supernatural, dean winchester, live free or twi-hard

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