
Nov 12, 2006 01:46

I've had such a crazy weekend. Crazy in the good way. I've been so busy...never having time to sit down. It's like: work, out, volunteer, friends house, sleep, eat, volunteer...etc. I like being very busy because it keeps my mind of all the negative things I could be thinking about.

There's been alot of stuff I've been wanting to write in LJ, like thoughts and crap, but for one: I can't remember half of it, two, I recently just got it all out of me, three, nobody cares.

In retrospect, I really have to appreciate all the things I have. I mean, theres so many things that I could complain about, all these little feelings of insecurity or sadness or lonliness for no reason that empowers all of us every once in a while, but when you look at how well we have everything, complaining really holds no water.

What did I do this weekend? And what..did it start on like Thursday? Yeah, right, Thursday: I worked all day. I got home at 7, then Fernando picked me up immediately and we went to Juan's house. Friday: REALLY long band practice. Really great practice at that, too. Then big movie night, which was awesome, and very chill. Then I went to Anthony's house until like 2 am. Today (technically yesterday, today is now Sunday): Volunteering, home, Anthony's house, Juan's house, home again. Tommorow (techincally today): is band practice, and then home or something. I need to have a day where I just sit down and do nothing all day...to balance it out. I seriously need rest so bad. Thank the heavens there is no school tommorow...I'm going to sleep in...alot.

Man, I don't remember half the shit I do anymore. Things move way too quickly. I just had to check everyone's old LJ entires just to see what happened this weekend so I could remember myself. Maybe the fact that it's 2 in the morning has something to do with it...I don't know.

the band, friends

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