Fucking finally, man.

Sep 23, 2009 02:04

To start off, I've been reading some beautiful literature lately. Ayn Rand, Camille Paglia (all thanks to Nicole), Thoreau, and random bits of all kinds of stuff. Not to mention listening to some beautiful indie, prog, and even hip-hop.

Anyway, after being in the Sound program for a year, I FINALLY have found good musicians to play with. And the funny thing is, only one of them I met through school. Everyone else are local musicians, people that play for hire mostly, because they don't have bands they like enough to stick with. I've been getting really excited with them and feel like we're going to make really beautiful music.

I've also been staying real late for labs in the studios, and even coming in on days that aren't mine and staying, and I've been learning a lot. I've come to learn that if you work with everybody, you can be the musician everyone is working on, and so I plan to take advantage of that, and get some stuff done really well.

It's amazing how I don't mind being in school or the studio for hours upon hours on end. It really just feels like a career at this point. This is what my career will be like and I'm going to love it.

Going down to Pines made me realize...I need to remember a lot of things. Some things are beautiful, and need to be treated as such. I need to tend to them very carefully, and treat like a delicate flower. A delicate touch is the best touch.

I don't even wish for love anymore. It'll come one day. Inner peace is all I'm concerned with.
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