Aug 02, 2005 08:58
Oh, yeah... that's what sleep feels like. I'd forgotten.
Is it always interupted several times during the night and a general feeling of unrestedness along with an eventual move to the floor where it's not really more comfortable?
I had started to fall asleep at about 7 last night when my mom woke me up to force me to have dinner. I think that might have done something.
Maybe I should have some breakfast.
Work today. I should not work on adrenaline and water after the last two days. I'll eventually get to breakfast here.
Josh, Scott, and, to a lesser degree, Quinn and Matt: confirmed. We move in on the 16th at 3 pm. We'll leave back for Chicago that night, stay the night, and then to GenCon. I need to know your last events' times on Sunday, as well as those of Quinn and Matt. Please also remember cell phones and that we only have one car and one driver. I plan to take the con fairly relaxedly, though there's still some things I want to do and some research I have to do first. Someone will have to pull me bodily from the Dealer's Room, most likely.
I need to call Dell. My computer is, literally, falling apart. Fenix is fine on the inside, but the case is cracking.
The results of that love/sex skills test were alternately impossibly false or depressingly true.
RenFaire: 4 days. (Need costuming. Am excited; have never been to RenFaire before. Am thinking of going as a monk or traveler.)
Work ends: 10 days, not all of them worked.
Move-in: 14 days. (Wow.)
GonCon: 16 days.
Random Swim Encounter along with karaoke: 21-29 days (exact date unknown, but I am going to make good on it).
School: 31 days.
My AIM should be more-or-less left on today. Give me some randomness.