The results for challenge #25 at
mitchellstills are in... and I won! *throws his hands in the air* Yatta!
The theme for this challenge was 'The Pegasus Project', an episode I truly love, and which consequently I've never been able to write any fics for. I will endeavour to do so at some point, but that is a thought for another day.
I'm surprised that I placed first. It is an icon I really like, but I kinda prefer other ones in the set. I think it's the colour that impressed everyone. I was very happy with how warm it came out, and how golden Sam's hair looked.
The theme for it was practically made for me. I had been working for a while on making an icon on my 'do epic shit' kick - a thought for another post again - and had been throwing examples
rightxhere's way for her opinion. Not to mention already having my cool black hole icon made by
realmofdesires. She was practically forcing me to make my own version of it. This is all your fault, Dem!
Here's some more icons I made on the theme which I had to forego entering.
I used this challenge to experiment with lighting and shadows and colouring. Especially the middle two above. I really quite like number 2, I was sad when I chose not to enter it.