Aug 23, 2013 16:54
Every year, God impresses upon me exactly why He put me on the path to teaching. Every year, I'm reminded that yes, I make a difference. That my influence on the next generation is tangible and positive. Even when I think I didn't get through to someone, or make a difference in his or her life, they universe finds a way to tell me I did.
Apparently, I've developed a reputation as a hard taskmaster, but fair. As strongly academic, but fun. And that's fine by me! :D
Today, one of my former students brought me cheesecake. Raspberry Cheesecake. Not the whole thing, just a slice! OMG. I'd have died of arteriosclerosis if he'd brought me a whole cheesecake! but it was so good! He gave it to me, then hugged me and said he missed my class. then he took a couple of other teachers their slices. I merited a slice of his cheesecake. *verklempt* I've had several others run into my class and hug me, only to run out again, saying "Love you!" as the door hits their booties.
I don't have kids of my own, but the students I've had in the past let me know that I am leaving a mark on the future. This pleases me. Maybe I'm tooting my own horn a little, but on days like today, when the universe goes out of its way to show me that I'm appreciated and I'm doing EXACTLY what I need to be doing with my life, I have to say something. Write it down, note the day.