First Week almost over

Aug 22, 2013 21:16

Man! My feet are BRUISED!!!! I'm one of those teachers who is on her feet ALL DAY LONG. Not just at my podium, but moving around my classroom, getting down and dirty with my students. The problem with that is during the first week back, my feet are in HORRIBLE pain. After a summer spent relaxing and only on my feet for a couple of hours (at the most) at a time, 8 hours continuous standing and walking is PAINFUL. *cries*

That said, I have a pretty good group of kids, if more reticent than my kids last year. They're quieter, and not nearly so willing to jump in with their thoughts and ideas. Hopefully, that will change over the next few days of lessons.

Also, can I just say how much I HATE HATE HATE first days back? Like, really really hate them. I'm saying the same things over and over again, and LECTURING to a non-receptive bunch of teenagers. All because I have to get through the damned 'code of conduct', my rules, routines and procedures, and expectations for the class. Not to mention the administrative housekeeping that goes along with the first day crap: emergency medical forms, free/reduced lunch forms, planner guidelines, school purpose and mission statement, and our Wildcat Way. Ugh. I hate first days of school. :( But it's done now, and it's on to the first bits of literature. Yay.

Common Core Curriculum.
OMG. If I read one more misinformed article on Reuters, AP, Yahoo, or any other aggregate news site, I swear I will choke a bitch. No. Seriously. CHOKE a bitch. The current debacle about Common Core? Some video is being paraded around the news sites that has a Common Core instructional leader (one who teaches the teachers) talking about how CC standards 'focus' on the reasoning and logic behind an answer. Her example? If a child multiplies 3x4 and gets 11, can they track through the process and identify where they went wrong. The answer, she says at one point, is not as important as the process. OF COURSE this has been picked up by every educational watch dog site and ridiculed within an inch of its life.

And now FOX has picked up the shuttle and run with it. Common Core is BAD because it's from the Obama Administration. OMG. I just.... UGH!!! It's not from the Administration. They actually had very little to do with it. But this bit about 3x4=11 (which isn't even what she effin' said!) is going to be the bone they chew to death. They didn't even bother to check the standards as listed on the website dedicated to the curriculum. For fuck's sake, a simple google search will lead to decent info! And the comments on the news articles... I can only facepalm so many times, before I end up with bruises I'd have to explain to my bosses...

Master's Program starts next week! whoot! I'm feeling smarter already. hehehe.

teaching, update, chelle

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