My sga_santa fics

Jan 01, 2010 19:30

I wrote two stories for sga_santa this year. Had a blast working on both of them! But there were too many really good stories this year. You should go check it out. :)

Story the first
Title: The Darkest Days Have Passed Away
Author: Santa
Pairing: Gen, Team Fic
Rating: G
Recipient: dreamingoctober
Spoilers: Be All My Sins Remembered (the story's a tag for that ep)
Word Count: 4,840
Summary: Teyla and Ronon, John and Rodney. Each couple exploring the newly discovered fact of Teyla's pregnancy and how it affects the team. Rodney's socially ept, Ronon laughs, John apologizes.
Author's Note: This was a pinch hit story toward the end of the fest. I was happy to fill in for the recipient. dreamingoctober requested team stories. Introspective, character-focused stories...unexpected angles or focus on a situation or character. I hope this fits her bill.

Story the second
Title: Had Joys No Date Nor Age No Need
Author: Santa
Pairing: John/Rodney
Rating: NC-17
Recipient: whizzy
Spoilers: through the end of S5
Summary: Rodney turned and looked at John. “You know,“ he said, “I'm ready to go.“ John turned to face him, and he knew right away that Rodney was talking about more than just leaving the remnants of the festival.
Author's Note: Title from Sir Walter Raleigh's The Nymph's Reply to the Sheppard. The poem Rodney and John quote in the story is The Passionate Sheppard to His Love by Christopher Marlowe.

fic, sga, 2009, mcshep

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