Castle Fic: Before Knowing Remembers, Det. Kevin Ryan/Jeremy Preswick, NC-17

Dec 28, 2009 23:29

Oh goodness. I love Castle, just love it. Nathan Fillion is wonderful as Rick and he's playing it to the hilt, I gotta say. However, I don't see the slash in it. Well. I mean, I didn't see the slash in it. Ryan and Esposito just aren't on screen long enough, I guess. But on the last ep, Marc Blucas guested as an amnesiac man/victim.


He had about five total minutes with Detective KEvin Ryan, and BAM! SLASH CITY. The actors had such great instantaneous chemistry and I just...well, I had to get it out!

so. Yeah. this is the story that came from that episode. Whoa.

Title: Before Knowing Remembers
Pairing: Det. Kevin Ryan/Jeremy Preswick
Fandom: Castle
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: I don't own them, honestly, I didn't even know I liked 'em this way. *wink*
Word Count: 2,750
Notes: Beta'd by angelicvampyre who found my excessive use of commas and excised them all!!! mwhahahaha. Yeah, so, any and all mistakes left in are strickly mine.

"Oh, son of a bitch," Kevin grunted, pinching the bridge of his nose and lowering his head. His office was dark, the blinds closed and the lights off as a courtesy to the guy currently asleep and snoring on his couch. He'd been staring at his computer screen for the better part of four hours, searching for some clue as to the man's identity.

He couldn't imagine what it must feel like to lose all sense of identity. To not know his own name or occupation, to have all that wiped away, had to be terrifying. And Jay was handling it remarkably well. He's been pretty stable throughout the whole experience, trying-every time Beckett or Castle brought in some new evidence-to remember his life. Kevin sympathized with Jay's frustration surrounding the whole process, but he had to give the man credit for hangin' in there.

He hadn't intended to, but he really felt for the guy. Young, strong, and he apparently had some dough stashed somewhere because Kevin would swear his sweater was cashmere. He glanced over at the sleeping man. And he couldn't help but think the guy was too good looking-too clean-to be a perp. What's worse, there'd been a weird sort of tension building between them for the whole afternoon, first at the gallery crime scene then in the precinct. It made Kevin a little nervous.

He turned back to his search results.

They really needed to find out who Jay was, and why the hell he was at that gallery.

He heard rustling from the couch and glanced over again. Jay was propped up on his elbows, looking around Kevin's office, confused.

"Hey. Mornin'."

Jay's head whipped around. "Oh! Hey. Um, thanks for the couch," he said, getting up. He stood up and stretched, the edge of his sweater riding up a bit and showing off a slice of pale skin. Kevin let his eyes skim over it, then looked up at Jay's face.

Jay was rolling his head on his shoulders, and winced once when something popped loudly back into place.

Kevin let a half smile slip onto his face. "No problem." Then he asked, "Remember anything?"

Jay paused for a moment, and tilted his head, considering. "Nope. Nothing. Except, maybe, a really strong urge for coffee?"

Kevin laughed. "Yeah. I can't guarantee it's the best thing you've ever had, but it'll wake you up," he said and pointed at the counter on the other side of the office and the ancient coffee pot that sat warming on its burner. "Sorry it's almost empty."

"Mmm, dregs. That oughtta wake me right up," Jay said, chuckling.

"Well, either that or rot your gut," Kevin said.

Then silence descended, and they looked at each other. Hoping to break the tension he felt coiling between them, Kevin glanced down at his desk.

Kevin heard Jay take a step and jerked his gaze back up to him. He swallowed, inexplicably nervous. "What are you-"

"Is this just-"

The spoke at the same time then broke off, laughing together. The laughter eased the tense atmosphere, and Kevin waved his hand. "You first," he said to Jay.

Jay ran a hand along the back of his neck, in a gesture so sweetly bashful, Kevin had to shake his head. "You, uh...I mean...I was just wondering...Oh, dammit! I can't believe this," Jay said, irritated. Then he speared Kevin with a sharp look from bright green eyes. "You feel this, right?" he asked.

Kevin's eyes grew wide. "Feel what?" Prevarication was a cop's worst enemy, usually, but right now, Kevin was willing to call in the favor.

Jay took another step closer to his desk, and eyed him suspiciously. Kevin swallowed again, his body taut. Then Jay spoke. "This...between us. It's palpable, Det. Ryan."

"Kevin." He couldn't stop the correction, but once it was out there, if he was honest, he didn't really want to take it back.


"My name's Kevin," he said, and Jay nodded.

"Okay, Kevin. I think you're feeling this too."

"I'm not..." he started to say.

Jay laughed. "To the best of my knowledge, which, granted, only encompasses the past twenty-four hours, I'm not, either. Still..."

"Yeah." Kevin stood up and made his way around his desk.

Jay straightened up, tucked his hands in the pockets of his pants.

Kevin stepped into Jay's personal space and looked up at him. He chuckled. "You're very tall," he said.

Laughing, Jay pulled his hands from his pockets. He ran one through his hair, and ducked his head, blushing. Then Jay said, "Is that a problem?" and met Kevin's stare.

Unable to speak, Kevin shook his head. He spared a glance to make sure the door was locked then rested his hands on Jay's hip bones and tugged. Tilting his head up, he parted his lips and let his eyes drift over Jay's face until they fell on his full lips. He pushed forward a little, wanting Jay to meet him at least half way.

Jay's mouth opened, and a breath ghosted over Kevin's mouth, sleep sour and warm. Kevin whispered, "Come on," and Jay leaned the rest of the way in and closed his mouth over Kevin's.

"Mmm," Kevin groaned and let his lips fall open further, sliding his tongue over Jay's lightly chapped top lip then under it to run over even white teeth. Before he could blink, Jay's mouth was open and fierce on his, slick tongue sliding along his own, plunging in and out of his mouth in the most carnal kiss he'd had in a long, long, long time.

Jay's hands were warm and smooth on his face and neck, long fingers stretching up into his hair to muss it up. Kevin wrapped his arms around Jay's waist and pulled that tall broad body flush against his own. Jay smiled into the kiss and pushed his thigh up between Kevin's, and Kevin thrust into the action, grinding his cock into the hard muscle.

He scrabbled his hands underneath Jay's green cashmere sweater, finally touching warm skin. He traced the valley of Jay's spine all the way up to his shoulder blades then he traversed the bumps and divots of his ribs to linger on his chest. Kevin's fingers caught hold of a nipple, and pinched it into hardness.

He pulled out of the kiss, "Want to taste you," he said, nibbling kisses along Jay's jaw.

Jay pulled away, turning toward the door and windows of Kevin's office.

Seeing the lock engaged, and the blinds down, he stepped out of the embrace, slowly, and let his hands trail down Kevin's chest over the stiff cotton of his shirt. Then, without warning, Jay shrugged out of the light jacket he wore, crossed his arms to grasp the hem of his sweater and tugged it and his t-shirt off in one movement. His belly was a concave curve under his ribs as he stretched his arms out over his head, then he dropped them, and relaxed, letting the shirt fall to the floor.

Kevin breathed out a sigh that sounded like, "Jesus."

Jay cupped Kevin's jaw in his palm and ran his thumb over Kevin's lips. "Don't think that's what the 'J' stands for, Detective," he said, just before sealing his mouth over Kevin's again.

At that moment, Kevin didn't give a rat's ass what the 'J' stood for. He had a whole expanse of warm tanned skin to explore, a hot dirty-oh my god, so fuckin' dirty-mouth slanting over his, and a slick tongue tangling with his own. Names and occupations were the last things on his mind.

Twisting his head to the side as Jay licked and bit a path along his jaw, Kevin laid his forehead against Jay's shoulder, while his fingers worked the slick nickel of Jay's belt buckle loose, then pulled the button and zipper of his trousers open. When he slid his hand into the soft cotton of Jay's boxers, Jay whispered, "God, yes," and sucked Kevin's earlobe between his teeth. To augment his permission, he pushed his pants down over his hips, letting them fall to the floor then he stepped out of them.

Jay's dick was smooth and hot in his fingers, and Kevin gave it a gentle squeeze. At the hiss of an indrawn breath, he pulled back to look into Jay's eyes. When Jay finally focused on him, confusion marring his brow, Kevin lifted an eyebrow in question and gave a slight tug on Jay's hard cock, letting his lips fall open.

Jay nodded once, and Kevin lowered himself to the floor. His knees popped in protest, reminding him that he was on the wrong side of thirty and that enthusiastic floor sex was a joy best left for those younger and more flexible than himself. Once down, Kevin paused for a moment, considering what he was doing, then just went for it. He slid his mouth over the soft head of Jay's cock, and his chapped lips caught against the skin. He pulled off and licked his lips to moisten them then touched his tongue to the smooth tip. He licked at the slit before sliding his tongue under the head and pulling Jay's cock fully into his mouth again.

The heat and weight of Jay in his mouth was incredible, and he savored it, sliding his tongue over and around the shaft, sucking Jay further back onto his tongue, until he could feel him at the back of his throat.

"God, Kevin," Jay moaned above him, carding his fingers through Kevin's hair and raising chill bumps over Kevin's body. When he sucked particularly hard, Jay pressed his fingernails into Kevin's scalp, and the pleasure pain of it hummed along every nerve ending in Kevin's body, and he shivered.

He'd never understood what it was about sucking cock that women and other guys liked so much, but in the moment when his skin was a mass of singing nerves, his mouth full of salty smooth skin, his scalp tingled from the fingers combing through his hair, and Jay's moans of surprised pleasure floating above him, Kevin got it. The power inherent in the action was intense, like being connected to a live wire that sent frissons of electric pleasure throughout his body. He lost himself in the sensation and reached for purchase, clutching at Jay's hips as he swallowed him down further. He had to taste everything, to feel Jay deep in his throat and throbbing in his hands. He sealed his mouth tightly around Jay's cock and sucked until his cheeks hollowed out. Then he slid down the turgid length, pulling and jerking Jay with vicious twists of his wrists until Jay was fucking his mouth and grunting his pleasure with every exhaled breath.

Jay's hips snapped forward, buttocks clenching and releasing, and Kevin knew he was close. Desire and hunger flared brightly behind his eyes, and he wanted-god, how he wanted-to watch Jay come. He wanted to watch him explode and feel him come all over his face. Kevin slid his middle finger into his mouth next to Jay's cock to get it spit slick. Then he slid his finger over Jay's perineum, and cupped his balls in his other hand, rolling them between his fingers. He slid his mouth to the head of Jay's dick and opened his eyes, glancing up at Jay's flushed face, and stared into green eyes blown wide with lust and the desperate need to come. He slowly, carefully pushed his finger into Jay's tight hole, smiling when Jay closed his eyes against the pressure and tossed his head back in ecstasy.

"Oh, God," Jay moaned, "please," and he shivered, stepping one foot out, spreading himself that much more, then pushing back onto Kevin's finger.

Kevin sucked him down again, pushing his finger in more deeply. He curled it forward, unsure, but felt something soft and springy and pushed down on it, and Jay shuddered. "Jesus," he said, and Kevin figured it was good, so he did it again, and Jay's whole body shook violently. Kevin felt Jay's balls draw up tight against his body and knew he was ready. He slid his finger more deeply into Jay, rubbing that sweet spot on the way in, and sucked Jay's cock deep into his throat, once, twice, a third time. Jay fisted his fingers in Kevin's hair and came, warm salty smooth fluid spurting over Kevin's tongue and into his throat.

Kevin balked at the taste of Jay's come but swallowed instinctively then pulled off Jay's cock quickly. "Ugh," he said and closed his eyes to let Jay come on his face instead of in his mouth. He may not have liked the flavor, bitter and briny on his tongue, but when it hit his face and dripped off his eyebrow and the tip of his nose, Kevin shuddered with satisfaction. He rested his face in the hollow of Jay's hip and carefully slid his finger from Jay's body. He wiped his face with his clean hand and watched curiously as Jay's erection slowly subsided.

Jay gripped his chin, and forced him to look up. Kevin lifted an eyebrow in question. "What?"

Jay tugged on him, gentle and easy, until he was standing again. Then he crowded Kevin back into the desk and kissed him, just a meeting of mouths. "Wow," he said and leaned his forehead against Kevin's. "That I didn't expect-"

Kevin chuckled. "Me neither," he said, running his hand over Jay's skin, tracing the Adam lines of his hips and the solid curve of his ribs. "You should probably get dressed now, though," he said.

Jay frowned. "What about you. I mean," he waved a hand in Kevin's direction, taking note of his unsatisfied state. "I feel bad leaving you like that. I want...I really want..." he trailed off.

Kevin shook his head. "No big deal, Jay, really," he said. "I mean, we shouldn't have even done this." Frustrated, he ran one hand through his hair, further mussing it. Then he bent over and grabbed Jay's pants and underwear from the floor and handed them to the man. "God. You're a material witness in a murder investigation," he said, almost irritated. He picked Jay's shirt up from the desk, clutching it in his fist.

"A material witness who can't even remember his own name," Jay's said with a self deprecating smile and tugged on his pants. He reached for the shirt and continued, "Don't know how effective that makes me," he said, donning the shirt.

Kevin watched him for a moment then he said, "We'll find out who you are, Jay. We've got Beckett and Castle working on it. Between the two of them, there's nothing they can't find out."

"I hope so," Jay said, finally dressed again. Then he met Kevin's gaze with an intent one of his own. "So. What do we do about," he waved a hand between them, pointing, "this? Between us? Because," he said, stepping again into Kevin's space, "I really want to finish this." He leaned forward close enough for Kevin to feel Jay's breath against his ear, the rasp of stubble against his cheek. "I want to swallow you down and watch your face when you come all over me."

Kevin swallowed the thick ball of desire, wincing. "Jesus."

Jay chuckled. "You keep saying that. I really don't think that's what the 'J' stands for, Detective."

Kevin turned the taunt into a caress then kissed him. "It'll have to do until you tell me your name."

Jay touched his face, letting his thumb slide over Kevin's cheek first then his bottom lip. When he lifted his thumb to his mouth, Kevin's eyes went wide. Jay sucked his own thumb into his mouth, 'hmm'ed around it then pulled it out with and obscene pop. "You missed a spot," he said.

There was a knock on the door, and Esposito called out a "Yo! Mornin'." Jay backed out of Kevin's space and opened the door. "I folded the blanket up and left it on your couch. Thanks for everything, Detective," he said.

Nonplussed, Kevin offered an anemic, "No problem," before he gathered his wits. Then, more confidently, "We'll call you back in when we know more, Jay." He offered his hand and Jay took it, his warm fingers curling over Kevin's.

"Lookin' forward to it, Detective." He let go and turned to leave. "See ya."

"See ya, Jay," Kevin said. And it was a promise.


Now. I'm considering a follow-up, for the REAL sexin' when/if Jeremy finally regains his memory. We'll see.

fic, castle, 2009, slash

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