Mcshep fics for mcsmooch

Oct 04, 2009 07:29

Title: Plausible Deniability
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: not mine, dangit. Otherwise, Fridays would still be spent on Atlantis
Word Count: 1100
Summary: sleepy team, post-mission, John enjoys a little plausible deniability - until he can't.

Plausible Deniability

Title: Home is Where...
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: not mine, yo.
Word Count: 1557
Summary: While Rodney was willing to surrender his spot in the lab, he wasn't ready to go to his quarters.

Home Is Where...

Links go to mcsmooch comm. Cross-posted to mckay_sheppard, my journal, and here. Sorry for the spamming.

fic, sga, 2009, mcsmooch, mcshep

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