How about some sunsets, y'all?

Oct 04, 2009 05:30

I took these at the end of July, on my way back to Ocala after spending the month with my momma. I was driving down 27, headed north, and the sky just...well...lit up like it was on fire. I had to get some shots of it. the last one is doctored - I removed the power lines and poles, but the others are completely untouched.

This is to the west, at about 5:30. The sun was still high, but turned the whole sky gold.

This is North. I just held the camera up in front of me and snapped the clouds. The sun is in the same relative position as in the first pic.

This one's off to the west again, but the sun is lower.

Here it's down below the treeline. The treeline's thick, blocking a direct view of the sun. Notice the horse shaped cloud?

This one the sun is below the horizon, and the sky is really on fire. The horse cloud is just starting to dissipate.

Awesome, huh?
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