winterlive put up this con meme thing, and I, being the utter thief that I am, stole it from her. Okay, no. I commented, she gave me my assignment and now I'm reposting the meme. :D
1. Reply to this post, and I will pick four/five of your userpics.
2. Make a post and talk about the icons I chose.
3. Other people can then comment to you and make their own posts.
4. This will create a never-ending cycle of icon squee.
my keywords suck. Dean Gargling
Okay, so I really liked the ep Mystery Spot. and come on. How can you not like Dean's expression here? He's got that smile going on, the tilt to his eye, and his mouth is wide open. what's not to love? I find I really like iconing Dean or, um, Jensen because he is of the hotassness and yes, occasionally, I do have to step away from the computer to give my overblown ovaries a rest. But this one, I just had a blast doing, because it's a great scene and he was living it up. It makes me smile!
David Smile
I LOVE this pic of David. It's from early on in Angel, I think, and he's sitting on these steps and he looking off camera at something and smiling. It's a really sort of soft expression, and it's not one that he wears a whole lot, cuz he's, you know...he's effin' David Boreanaz! While I like hard core, angsty Angel-y David, it's particularly refreshing to see this side of him. I wanted it in my icon list, so I did it. :)
This one is probably more likely Jason than Ronon (one of those moments when they're NOT shooting, or they're between shots). I like to think that either David or Joe has said something that caught his fancy or made him think, "Hmm. Yeah, I'd do ya." Because honestly, while I love Joe and David, Jason Momoa is freakin' hot as all get out. And he needs to have more stuff written about him and have a more in depth presence on the show. *cough* what? Don't judge me! :D
J2 Glare
Okay. That right there? total eye-fucking between J and J. I defy you to deny that! I mean, it even looks like Jared is staring at Jen's lips. and why the hell not? They're nice lips! But the intensity, the slightly open mouth, the hard jaw lines, and just what looks like pure unadulterated LUST from both of them. *shivers* Niiiiice.
Dean Ate My Icon
The thought of Dean eating anything of mine is just mind boggling, so Yeah. I had to have this! It's my
panicstrickyn. And I found it during that snatch of time when everyone was up in arms about Jensen saying that he wished he hadn't made the decision to make Dean eat, cuz he was stuck eating all the time now. I LOVE when Dean eats, because he does it like he does everything else: with gusto and intensity. Grrr. Imagine YOU cooked the hot mean that he's devouring. Now, in your woman=homemaker lizard brain, you KNOW that satisfies you. *waggles eyebrows*