
Sep 06, 2017 20:57

LJ has locked me out of even looking at it from all but my tablet. Yay ( Read more... )

lj sucks, family, renfair

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bluemeanybeany September 10 2017, 14:57:39 UTC
Which yes, actually, may be in response in order to differentiate from the "Trump Style", which I'd call "New York Banker/Mob Style" I assume that's why the patterns and pinstripes are coming back here because the Trump Family don't tend to wear those. There was an article in the newspaper actually about "Trump Style" in both clothes and interior design [The BBC previously have called it "Dictator Style"] About whether it's snobbery we should stop. Because, I don't know why but generally the British attitude was to take one look at Trump decor and go "oh good god no" Like, it's just hideous for inexplicable reasons. But it's snobbery isn't it, and we should really control that more. The article was basically arguing that the Family are the most powerful Family on the planet, and it says something about a moral deficit in ourselves that we look down on them because of their choice of panelling and lighting fixtures. The struggle to take the Trump Family seriously [even when he's now President] is in part because everything about them is lacking in....well.....class. They've always had privileged and wealth, but that never conveys "class" which I can't even define other than I know the Trump Family don't have it. But that's epic levels of snobbery isn't it. Do we not want the Queen to meet Trump because we don't like his ideas politically [on occasion she meets Putin, who's literally blown up British civilians via accidental incompetence and who's planes keep buzzing the RAF simply to annoy them] or is it because we think the Trump Family is simply too uncouth and lacking in good taste. It's probably more the later. And that is not kind and it's prejudice. We should be able to look beyond such things. It's a severe moral deficit that our first instinct is to look down upon them. And it's hubris, in that in reality we simply cannot afford to not ingratiate ourselves to some degree with the new US leader, nobody on the planet can. No matter how much the planet may laugh at them, the are [for now] the new Caesars. This is all a good lesson in why pride is a sin,[clearly Trump is a curse sent by God to plague humanity anyway] and is thus an opportunity for some introspective national character improvement. He might have terrible taste, character and manners, but in such a position of weakness where we'd have to literally beg of favours because we have nothing to offer in return, there's little point maintaining any sort of hubris. I'm not sure if even an attempt at dignity is even possible in these sort of circumstances, he's the most powerful man on the planet.


alton_lust September 17 2017, 02:55:25 UTC
Just because you have to do business with someone doesn't mean you have to approve of them. You dont have to like your boss at work, you just have to be pleasant.
Stupid remains stupid and painting it with gold doesn't make it any different. Sometimes it makes it easier to look at, but not often.

You can Downton Abbey eyebrow at Us in the pubs anytime you want


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