
Sep 06, 2017 20:57

LJ has locked me out of even looking at it from all but my tablet. Yay.
See, this is why you go into your favorite store a d everything is moved around and they stop carrying the stuff you like. If you dont change -you're behind the times, old man! Do they ask if you want a different department up front? They do not. If you say you want it back do they change it? Nope. Customer service.

Ren Fair season is here. I'm trying not to buy a new corset, but i really want a more musketeer look. And i dont know what i can wear to the wedding that i can take on a plane. :/

At the ren fair some teenage boy thought it would be /hysterical/ to steal the crown off the king's head and make off with it. We hear all yelling and the teen comes racing past. Unfortunately for him his race from the armored guards left him down a dead end. The guys in armor were NOT amused when they caught him. The most miffed screamed at the thief, "Do you not understand the difference between -fantasy- and -reality-?? Because reality is you are going to jail!" And he did. I'm sure the cops were miffed it happened at the end of their shift so they couldn't go home with the rest of us.

My friends have returned from Pennsic War and remembered to bring me some za'atar spice! I'm so eager to try it.

I haven't bought my plane tickets, hotel or car. Still.

Hey, here's something. Sept totally snuck up on me. I texted my brother to coordinate plans for Mom's upcoming birthday. He texted back that he's going to be out of town with his inlaws that day.
I really haven't decided how to reply. Cuz my first instinct is "LOL! You dont like her either!" and my second is ,"Really? That day? Mom's birthday you are going to spend with your mother-in-law. Because they only live like a block from your house and you were there all this past week, most of the summer and of the past 20 years. Mom's birthday. Can't give her one day out of the year when you are not even working." and third is, "Damn that is cold, my brother." Fourth is, "Dude, I am buying everyone dinner. No cash worries. My treat!"
*facepalm* it cold of him? I can't name one time my brother's family (the only grandkids) have visited my parents for an event that the inlaws didnt get first shot at and there was only one time the inlaws allowed my parents to have a holiday because the inlaws were on a cruise. Seriously, wtf. My sister-in-law is awesome and she raised great kids...and all of them avoided my parents like the plague.

Cuz here's cold of /me/ - Dude you think that when mom needs to move in with someone it is going to be ME? HAHAHAHAHA no. I will have done my time. Saddle up, buttercup.

lj sucks, family, renfair

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