Here is a pairings meme ganked from Elizabeth!
NB: One of the pairings mentioned is from ASOIAF and involves a character introduced in ADWD, whose mere existence might be considered a spoiler. No actual plot spoilers beyond this person being alive, but um, it's a plot twist, so. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.
Pairings Meme! )
P.S.: I still maintain that Andrew and Emma should have lots of tiny bush baby!babies, grow old together and both die peacefully in their sleep. THAT IS JUST SOMETHING I REALLY WANT.
Oh, that's the same way I feel about Andrew and Emma! I don't ~ship them like I ship fictional characters or anything. I don't really read RPF fic anyway (with a few exceptions) not because I think it's a horrible thing per se but... I'm just not really interested I guess. I like seeing people happy in RL but that's enough for me? I DON'T NEED ANDREW/EMMA FIC TO BE HAPPY I JUST NEED THEM TO BE HAPPY.
Totally going to do this meme, btw. (:
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