Books read January

Jan 30, 2013 22:54

Gone Girl - one of last year's best sellers, kept reading about it in magazines and seeing friends post about it on Facebook. WOW, that was one of those books that made you keep thinking about it after you were done reading, and with a nagging feeling about the ending. Really well done.

Reached - last of a trilogy that included Matched and Crossed. Dystopian YA lit with a love triangle - hooray! I did like a lot of things about this book, how the story was told, the references to literature and art, the perception of the rebellion, but at some point I had a hard time getting past how MUCH like The Giver the world the author built was.

Princess Bride - seen the movie a million times, had never read the book! I really enjoyed this, it was in some parts word for word from the book, but there were also whole aspects never touched upon in the movie. I also liked how the story was told (kind of like it is in the movie, adult to sick child, but with lots more asides).

Voyage of the Dawn Treader - read to David, he felt a lot more sorry for Eustace than I ever did!

The Silver Chair - also read to David, not as boring as I remember it - Puddleglum is funnier as an adult. I can see how it would not make as good of a movie as the first 3, but Dawn Treader was very episodic and they combined a few things for better movie-making.
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