
Jan 18, 2011 04:10

I have now been home long enough to want to do a craft. For the record, we had an amazing amount of snow for GA (6 inches at once), enough to shut down school for an entire WEEK. Unheard of as long as I've been in the public schools here, but can't say I didn't enjoy the forced break and time with my boys (mostly the little one, the big one still had to work from home).

Saturday Jill and I painted David's room a sky blue color. I really like how it turned out, and look forward to getting the double bed and new dresser we ordered him right after Christmas. He is still way into firefighters, so we got him a firefighter quilt, and some wall decals. I am also debating painting letters with his name on them, and doing this for the baby's room as well (Current frontrunner name is Sara, but I am already tired of my extended family telling me I "HAVE" to name her that).

So in shopping for wooden letters this evening, and to indecisive to purchase any yet, I wandered back to the cross-stitch section, and found a birth announcement that I love for him; doesn't hurt that it is in the colors of his new room, and has a helicopter and what I will redesign as a firetruck. SO, time consuming craft let's go, in an ideal world will be finished before May 13.

To update an old list, I did finish knitting the teddy bear, did one of the two ornaments (although need a hook for it), but have not even attempted a prayer shawl. I need to upload photos to Shutterfly or some such service so I can print them out in bulk for scrapbooking; my current thought is that MIL did an excellent job documenting the first year or 2, and I did actually do a baby book, so I would like to do pages about events/trips we take - 1 for the circus, one for his first baseball game, etc. Must get going on this!
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