I did take today off work. I had a fever this morning and was coughing a lot, so it really did make sense to reduce the risk of spreading it around if I could. Mondays are usually not heavy days so it's OK
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The cold is worse, low grade fever and very congested, but probably nothing really serious. Still, it saps all my energy. A good chunk of the day was spent on the sofa with a plush pony, doing nothing other than dozing occasionally
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Gary saw his doctor this morning. All the blood tests and EKGs came out normal, so he is not having heart symptoms. They took him off the nitroglycerin about 2 am because (as I predicted) it gave him a headache. They've held him at the hospital for a stress test just to double check, but he should be released in an hour or two
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So Gary's little brother had bypass surgery on Monday and seems to be recovering as nicely as they can expect. They plan to send him home by the weekend now. That's good
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Boy is it windy. Gusting to 45 mph or so, and the temperature is still 88°F/32°C. I brought all the horses in a bit early in case one of the hard storms with hail they keep predicting actually materializes, but so far on the radar everything is at a distance and appears to be moving northeast away from us. Still there's a tornado watch and a gale
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