
Dec 03, 2009 20:25

Apparently a lot of it just north of the state line at the moment, but just an occasional flake here. At midday today, though, it was coming down hard. I had to sweep off my windshield when I left work at 12:30.

Woodpeckers are busy. We put out suet for them, and it is already attracting hordes of them. The Red bellied and Hairy are the largest, but the Downy are the most numerous. We also have dozens of chickadees and finches right now, and plenty of white breasted nuthatches. One red breasted nuthatch has been around. I hope he stays, they are one of my favorite winter birds. Bluejays and mourning doves are about, and a few juncos. Normally we have a lot of juncos as soon as the snow arrives, but they've been scarce so far this year.

Thought about putting a blanket on Tess and turning her out this afternoon, but I didn't. She hasn't had a blanket on in years, and I'm not sure how she'll react to it. I think I'll wait until I'm not alone to try that.

Found a Forth interpreter that loads on my old Tandy word processor that I used for NaNo. It's quite tiny, only 6200 bytes, but claims to be a full ANSI standard implementation. Got it to run, but I know nothing about Forth other than that it's stack-oriented RPN like PostScript. Have to find an introductory book and see what it can do.

It's 28F and dropping outside. Guess I should go start the woodstove and curl up there with a book.

birds, geekery, horses, weather

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