More musings on pairings

Jan 28, 2008 23:25

Been browsing through because, well, I have work up to my eyeballs and need a distraction. And I have to note at the springing up of Ronon/Keller fics.

And their overused plotlines.

80% of the Ronon/Keller fics I've seen so far involve Ronon teaching Keller how to - guess! - fight with bantos rods. Which I find highly amusing because, well, this pairing is relatively new and already it has a major cliche. It's kind of like the closet!fic clinche of the sparky pairing (but that's just fine with me, because really, can one ever truly tire of closet!porn? No, I thought not.)

But anyway, I've been re-examining my likes and dislikes of certain pairings and have come up with a theory of why I like/dislike them - sort of. I think it has a lot to do with equality. I grew out of those "Prince Charming and the Princess" and "maiden who needs saving" -type stories a looong time ago. And if there is anything I really can't stand, it's when the woman is in constant need of protection, in need of a "white knight" to save her. I just can't stand it, even when it comes in small amounts.

I suppose that's why McShep appeals to me at all. You don't get any of that nonsense in a slash pairing, or at least, not in McShep. Sheppard might save Rodney's ass every once in a while, but you know Rodney's not going to act like a grateful, blushing maiden afterwards. It's the snark, the banter, the fighting - they're equal. And I think that's why a lot of people are attracted to slash and McShep.

I guess that's why the Rodney/Katie pairing never did anything for me. I mean, I didn't object to it, but I just didn't care. Because Rodney's so loud and abrasive and forceful, and Katie's not. They didn't really match, and she fit into the stereotypical "soft, sweet, laid-back type" woman too much for my comfort. Rodney's so alive, and she's so passive - it just didn't work for me.

And it's also why I love Elizabeth/John - because while Elizabeth is no warrior, not in the physical sense, she's not a weakling princess either. She's so strong and she'd never accept being relegated to the position of "helpless maiden" in any relationship. All those times she and John have interacted, teasing, flirting, just enjoying each other's company - they were so perfect because you could see that any relationship they would have would be fierce and passionate and completely equal - none of that wishy-washy blushing and shyness virgin maid stuff. (Ugh. How I despise the virgin!maiden and chivalrous!knight stories, in which the knight carefully and lovingly "takes away her innocence." Just - GAH.)

Which leads me back to Ronon/Keller. Which so far, is too close to the maiden-and-knight storyline. I'm not saying it's exactly like that, it's just - close. Until TPTB can show me that Keller can match Ronon's strength (and I'm not talking about physical strength, here) then I won't buy that pairing.

I doubt it'll happen, though. Considering the way TPTB have painted Keller's character? Ha. Don't get me wrong, I do like her, but for me she doesn't click with Ronon. Personally I think he's attracted to her because she reminds him in some way of Melena. Whether or not Keller is anything alike to Melena - besides the obvious 'doctor-doctor' correlation - may or may not be true, although it's my own personal canon that she isn't/wasn't. (Go read Myriadragon's fic here for the bestest portrayal of Melena I have ever read. It's truly awesome - Ronon is so sweet, the way he's afraid of hurting her, but the way she laughs his fear off and is so stubborn and strong-willed? AWESOME. I command that you go read it. If not now, after you are finished reading my lengthly-yet-very-insightful post.)

Plus, all the Ronon/Keller fics I've read so far show Keller to be a blushing, bumbling idiot around Ronon when she "realizes" his attraction to her. Which doesn't impress me. I like a woman who can handle herself, thanks. Maybe TPTB will be able to dispel this when they explore the Ronon/Keller dynamic further. If not, then I will be gritting my teeth and bearing it.

Which brings me to Ronon/Teyla! *rubs hands with glee* Ah, how I love that pairing. I reference the moment in "The Lost Boys" when they fought over food. The smirks? The challenging? The not-so-subtle flirtation? Hee! *hearts* It makes my spanky little heart sing. Because now there is an example of a mutually passionate, balanced relationship. It reminds me of this excellent little ficlet I read a while back, in which Ronon and Teyla were trapped in a transporter for two hours - it was told from John's POV, so we don't know what happened, but when the two are finally let out, Ronon looks stunned and Teyla is smug. Apparently he made some kind of bad, dirty joke/pass, and she retaliated with a pass of her own. (Or maybe even acted on it. *waggles eyebrows*)

In any case, I loved that because, many times in girl/guy pairings, it's the guy who shocks the girl, leads her into this new world of innuendo and romance - and it is so nice to see that reversed. And with the Ronon/Teyla pairing, I can imagine that happening in a heartbeat. And that's what I mean by equal.

As for Sheyla - well, I suppose my main problem with that is that Teyla seems to, well, neutered around Shep. Sisterly and calm. And Sheppard doesn't flirt with her or anything, or snark, or tease... well, there's a little teasing, I suppose, but I just can't see it happening. It feels almost incestuous to me. Still can't get over that "ew" factor it gives me.

So, that's it, for now. I feel I have exhausted my thoughts. Now I can get back to work...

sparky, pairings, mcshep, sga, ronon/keller, spanky

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