Made two spander manips... #01 is the first manip I ever did #02 is to eyezrthewindows's "Kissing cousins" (been approved of ^_^)
I'm still very new at manipping and don't really know where to look for pics tu use in a "spandery-way" so for the manippers out there I would appreciate any suggestions where to look.
Finally I have ended my 100 icons challenge! With this update (which includes 30+ icons) I'm finished! I started the in a way to learn how to make icons, and I must say that learn, I did. Might take another challenge in the future, it was quite fun to do. Well on to the icons.
Since I'm new at this follow many of the tutorials out there, but I never do an exact copy of their/your icons. I mostly take tips and tricks here and there and try to do something totaly of my own. Hope that is ok. I'll be adding names as us the "things" offer so kindly by other people.
Ok, here comes my first batch of btvs/ats icons.. the base is alike for everyone since I was/still am learning how to make icons... but here you go ... most of the cast! If you by any chance take one please credit! I also welcome c&c, as I said I'm still learning and I would like to know what you think.