final chapter.... really.
I laughed. I cried. I felt like I was reading fanfic...... Srsly. Note: Please read the chapter before you read my effort at snark. It's a long chapter and there are many emotions that go through your mind as you experience the end of anything. I am going to try to keep this snark-lite out of respect for this epic comic strip. Don't let me ruin it for you, just in case I fail. Two panels in particular are completely unsnarkable. But when you're done reading, come back for the bonus giveaway icons at the end of my snark!
WARNING - Image heavy post (this was a 36 page chapter!)
Catch up on
previous chapters.
The first half of the chapter, I was holding my breath. This first panel really is a bad tease. "The Father?" Oh, let's shroud it in mystery..... The number three plays prominently in this chapter. Must be a Japanese thing.
Some things never change.....
Doink! What's Inu doing back in the Sengoku Jidai? *gets nervous*
Love Inu's expression. Guys. they're so nonchalant about a woman's suffering.
TOTALLY UNSNARKABLE PANEL #1....... Isn't Sango beautiful? Aren't they adorable? Awwwwww. Little twin girls. Somehow, Miroku deserves that. (oops. Is that a snark?)
Gleep! *Fano gets sad and unable to snark* .... *sniff*
This is where the explanation of the three year beyond-long-distance relationship starts... I'm not sure it ever really gets any clearer....
Kagome! All grown up. Well, not really. She still looks 15 on the outside. They got into college? What about Kagome? I think she graduated too..... though it's frankly hard to tell.
But she looks happy. And pretty.
More backstory.....
Wha.....? The well takes him back? That was mean. Just like a fanfic!!!!
*Fano scratches her head trying to follow this.... * So, it was InuYasha that decided to come back? He separated them?
Is he regressing back to "I'm not that important" just cuz her mom was crying? WTF? I love Kaede's comment though. I think this panel is intended to show that Inu has matured even more than he had at the end of the battle with the jewel and Snaraku. They don't talk about him as having exhibited great anger and grief (like all the fanfics we write)... his reaction is ... very Japanese. And Shippou - giving away his secret! He really is pretty torn up underneath it all. So maybe it wasn't his idea to come back? I'm confused.
Kaede puts the kabosh on hope. *Fano swallows hard*
Now we see that Kagome thinks it's her fault. WTF again?
I guess she's saying that she rebonded with "home" after realizing that it had almost dissappeared on her? And that she hadn't wanted to risk that again and so emotionally shut down the well? Putting on my psychoanalyst's hat (and reading ahead) I'd say that when push came to shove, Kagome - being only 15 - wasn't able to leave home yet. Despite all her adventures and stuff, she was still just a kid and not ready to make the leap. Maybe Inu recognized this and it's why he went back down....
But she did/does love him..... *Fano's heart is breaking here....*
The sky? huh? I'm SO not following this.... (on first read)
The sky seems cloudy on both sides of time. This panel is just too funny! You know RT's been reading fanfic now. How many times have we written this?
Perfect! Little slayers in the making!
Ahhhhhhh...... *holds breath*
TOTALLY UNSNARKABLE PANEL #2. ........ I love the look in Inu's eyes. It doens't come through in this smaller pic all that well. But it's just wonderful..... And Kagome's not in uniform either, which is important to her growing up story. *Fano choke up*
*still not snarking.....* *dabs tears*
er... ok. he called her an idiot? *humphs* still, they're hugging so that's not all bad. where's the kiss?
oops. as ever. interrupted!
So THAT's what Kagome was all broken up about with mama. She knew somehow that she could only be on one side of the well or the other and had to make a choice? I'm not sure of the physics of that, but then again I've never been sure of the physics of the well to begin with. Must not be a physics thing. Love how Souta's grown up though. Looks a little like Hojo....
On to tie up misc. character #2... Kohaku. He's off battling evil with a cool new weapon. Woot! Wow. Amazing how he seems so emotionally balanced to be carrying around such a dangerous weapon... after all that psychological torture... Uh.... let's not follow his story any more, shall we? *Is afraid of blood and guts* I guess we wrapped up Toutousai at the same time. Still old. Still sitting on a three eyed cow.
Back to ... Miko Kagome! She's so pretty. And she seems at home and at peace. Sess gave up Rin? But uh... RT threw us a little bone. Rin will get to make a choice someday. That's good. I like that she left that door open.
"Onii-san"? Help me guys. Doesn't that mean "great respectable bad-demon"? No wonder he frowned at her. Even Inu is annoyed. How/whyfor is Kagome so rude? What am I missing? Is it because she's been back in the modern era and forgotten her manners? If I were cynical I'd say that RT put this exchange in here just to quash any SessKagger hopes that these two would ever be lovemates. Seems a bit hamfisted to me. Though it does give us an excuse to see Sessy's lovely glare one more time. *sigh* gonna miss that guy. And yay! He's still coming back to dote on Rin. He's clearly not dumping her and leaving so there's hope for them yet!
[EDIT: Ok. I'm an idiot. It IS brother in law. (see totally illegible translation between panels). BUT why the hell is Iny annoyed at this? I'm so not getting it]
[EDIT 2: Reiku explained it... sorta. Because Inuyasha and Sesshoumaru are always going to pretend to dislike each other when it's obvious to everyone that they actually care a great deal for one another. Kagome calling Sesshoumaru big brother pretty much suggests that the brother's are on friendly terms. I'll buy that, I guess. Cuz it's the only thing that makes even the smallest amount of sense.]
They look... happy... where's the friggin' kiss!?!?!?!?!?
Gaaaahhhhhh... what? I'm speechless. Glad. Sad. *crying* wanted the kiss..... I'm so damn selfish. So damned American. So programmed by western sex-filled media.... I should be culturally sensitive and be happy about this. .... ok. I tried. ... I failed. .... *closes my eyes and imagines how RT would draw their kiss.* Ah well, that will have to do.
Still. At least they're together. Can't really snark that. Special treat #2!
kriscynical has draw the
Kiss That Was Meant To Be. Go see it!
On a totally snarkable note, I know why RT decided to put in the 3 year hiatus - now we fanfic smut writers can't be villafied for putting underage character (that would be Kagome, not Rin) in compromising positions - cuz now she's LEGAL!!! Whoot! *laughs*
It's over.
I can't believe it.
I have this terrible itch to start a snarkdown series pulling out old manga scans that amuse me. No clue if I'll do that. If you have any, though, send them in and we'll try some snarkdown reminiscences to help us go through withdrawl.
wow. over.
Despite the fact that I'm still in shock, one more thank you to the people that have brought us so much to love over the years...
(c) Rumiko Takahashi
Adinuyasha scans/trans/html from Urd-Chan, Patches &
doggieearlover ................
it's over............
Hold me?