Big Bang!

Jun 30, 2009 17:05

I Big Banged!! And had the pleasure of working with jade_1459 and her wonderful story.

Title: Speaking for the Dead
Summary: In all of history there have been less than a dozen recorded Necromancers. Most of them destroyed themselves with the madness that came from such an unpredictable gift. Those few who survived, who learned to control that cold affinity, were feared for the power they wielded. When Dean is kidnapped by a crazy psychic out to collect the talents of others like him and enslave their souls to fuel his own power base, Sam is left wondering how he's going to pick up the pieces now that his brother seems to have everything he's ever wanted, with just one little catch...

I usually shy away from any kid!fics, but she wrote it so well, I can't even remember why that is anymore. :) She really made me believe it, and put together an awesome story that was a great ride to read!

Seriously go read it.

Jade Was wonderful to work with. Even after I scared her when I explained that this was my first time EVER making art and actually didn't even own Photoshop until after I picked her story. She put up with my awesome slowness, and gave great feedback. Thanks again!!

I made for her a title banner and something extra for each of the 8 parts to the story. Pics are slightly spoilery, so be warned.

Part One

Part Two

Part Three

Part Four

Part Five

Part Six

Part Seven

Part Eight

This was such a great experience. I had so much fun with brainstorming while reading and just putting it all together. Admittedly, Big Bang is not the ideal time to teach myself Photoshop but aside from a few flaws I don't yet have the skill to fix, I think it turned out ok. Also, Jade said she was happy and that's the important part!!

Also, I may have gone a little overboard with icons.  I had no idea they were so much fun to make!





Absolutely everything came from google image search, with the exception of the stills which I got from Screencap Paradise.
I used Adobe Photoshop to put it all together.

speaking for the dead, big bang, art

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