So much for this. Anyway. Am watching "Last stand of the 300" which is all about the naval battle so far. And all Empress wants is one of those amazingly kick ass Grecian helmets with the whoosh and the plume and the cheek guards down to here. Yes.
like this only with a sprinkle of fabulosity and you got it!
This week sucks. No luck on any of the job inquiries. So for the first time in five years do not have a solid summer plan. Feh. Would have been better off working for St. T's and doing video editing up at school.'s too late. Damn. Maybe will talk to the Parents.
In other news, when Little Sister got back to her dorm, she found that a pipe in the ceiling had burst and her room was flooded. Luckily she was gone for about a month so she had all of her electronics and a lot of her clothes...but drones, if my room was flooded, Empress would lose half her shit! Feel so bad for her and hope her room gets fixed soon.
Nothing much else is going on. The weather is horrible here in Yuppie-ville and Empress grows more and more distasteful each day of the suburbs of Chicago. But! In less than 24 hours will be in Colorado, heaven upon earth, for three wonderful days. Mmm...why was Empress in a bad mood again? Can't recall. Should be therapeutic to say the least.
So posteth the Future Empress of the World