The Moment...

Feb 15, 2006 17:18

Saw Brokeback Mountain last night. Oh drones, the agony, the angst, the Rockies!

Wrote this right afterwards. Thought you all would enjoy...

There are times in our lives when we see something that we know will change us forever. It may be a game, a newscast, a show, a lover, an enemy, a tragedy, a comedy, a play, a commercial, a silent moment with a trusted friend. But as you sit there, you lose all sense of self, and you simply are. It is these moments that define us as a generation.

My moment came tonight. Brokeback is The Moment. How we decide to treat it, how future generations see us treat it, will carry on into history as part of our legacy. Look inside yourself, and the deepest feelings that watching the enchanted screen awoke. Then ask yourself what you want your legacy to be. How you answer will carry us forward into the future. Abandon your programming, shut out all influence, and when you are sure of what you think, look around at the world and get ready. We've got our Moment. Now is the time when we go.

Think could be used for a graduation speech. Suffice to say, twas an overwhelming experience.

In other news, Cute Assistant Coach wasn't at practice yesterday. Which is sad, because he missed what had been hailed as one of the Empress's best outfits to date. Observe...

Pink stilettos, real actual pantyhose (sit down if you have to!) Ahimsa's white dress with a pink flower print, long black evening gloves with rings and bracelets on top, pink flower in hair (is there a theme?) and pink makeup. Was turning heads ALL over campus. Go me.

Also, Olympic watch, Jeremy Bloom got sixth, Travis Mayer got seventh in the Men's Moguls. Sad day, drones. Sad day.

So posteth the Future Empress of the World
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