
Mar 05, 2005 12:48

We've finally confirmed our Xi'an trip. It's Len's first trip to China, and my second. The last time I was in China (excluding HK), I was still in primary school, with my green pinafore and ponytail!

I wonder why Len chose the destination though. He's not into Chinese history like I do, nor could he speak proper mandarin. Inspiration must have been from The Amazing Race Xi'an segment. That guy knows just the Terracotta Warriors and Hua Shan (where the challenge was to find the right key for the lock). He doesn't even know where Xi'an is at first.

On a more romantic note, he must have realised that I'm been eyeing a China trip for quite some time and the ancient city of chang'an (now Xi'an) would have been the perfect destination for me. It's the heart for a number of dynasties of which Tang was most prosperous and famous. Which is the reason why chinatowns are usually called "tang ren jie". It is also the base for the famed Silk Road, starting point of Xuan Zang's trip to the west.

I have been reading quite a number of books about China, in particular the Silk Road. So it's really nice to visit at least one city that's been mentioned numerously.

Time to hit the books and find out more! And to the gym too to up my fitness level. Otherwise I would have problems climbing the mountain!
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