Damn Kids, Get Off My Lawn!

Mar 25, 2007 15:44

My friends, it has finally happened. Our childhood has been co-opted wholesale by the younger generations.

I made the mistake of going into a Claire's today and found it stocked with the accessories of my youth: plastic neon jewelry, legwarmers, lace gloves, jelly bracelets and, yes, even those damn plastic charms that you clip to plastic chains. All of this was compounded by the line of kids waiting to go into the TMNT movie across the way talking about the Voltron action figures in the anime store on the first floor. (The Voltron figure, by the way, is the anniversary edition with full metal lions and is very tempting :) )

I suppose it was only a matter of time before we reached critical mass on the 80s nostalgia; these things seem to have a 20-year cycle. However, the fact that the entire teeny-bopper boutique would not have looked out of place in Your Local Mall circa 1985 was just frakkin' disturbing.

Now if you excuse me, I need to go find a cane to shake at some emogothpunks as they exit Hot Topic wearing Care Bear and Strawberry Shortcake shirts.

pop culture, damn kids

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