Surfacing to share teh funny

Mar 08, 2007 13:34

I'm sitting in my office, pretending to work on my documentation project, when two people from our telecom group walk by. This is what I hear:


Telecom #1: So his first name was Oscar? O-S-C-A-R?
Telecom #2: Yep, and his last name was (half-sung)M-A-Y-E-R.
TC #2: And if you ask me why, I'll say
TC #1: Oscar Mayer has a way...
TC #2: With (half-sung)B-O-L-O-G-N-A.

Yes, we're all mad here ;). You just have to wonder what spurred this on..but if we knew it probably wouldn't be half as amusing a story.


job, humor

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