Many roads lead to misconceptions and only one to the Truth

Sep 15, 2019 20:29

“Falsehood has an infinity of combinations, but truth has only one mode of being.”

Jean-Jacques Rousseau.

Religious Pluralism and True Faith in the State of the Apocalypse

Religion - derived from the Latin word religare - reunion (re-establishing connection), in this case, the connection between man and God.

Pluralism - diversity, a philosophical concept or policy advocating a state of society in which members of diverse ethnic, racial, religious, or social groups may co-exist independently from each other and without being reduced to a common principle.

True faith - not just an intellectual statement but a genuine spiritual state of openness to the Creator.

Apocalypse - the Greek word for revelation. This word typically refers to the Judgement Day and the End of Ages.

Pluralism has its strength in advocating peaceful acceptance of any non-aggressive concepts, opinions, liberal attitude towards different cultures, traditions, etc. While the idea of pluralism is valuable in theory, it hardly works in real life. The drawback is that the advocates of this concept, unfortunately, are not aimed at convergence or at least respect of their counterparts but at separatism based on a conviction in rightfulness exclusively of their views. However, only personal spiritual experience can be the merit for such conviction. In case of its absence, fanaticism rules over one’s consciousness, which is the product of blind faith and spiritual laziness. Such fanaticism is always inevitably accompanied by aggression.

Division of humanity happens due to sins, including hypocrisy, vanity, fears, resentment, envy and many other negative emotions that lead one to wrong conduct, erroneous stances in life, antagonism, and divisions within society. There will never be convergence or peace in the world without a victory over sins. Opportunists of all kind skillfully use this knowledge to make their fortunes.

The topic of religion is quite broad. It is impossible to review the history of the development of religious denominations, even the major ones, since each one of them has many subdivisions. In this article, we will solely examine Christianity.

Almighty God is bound by His own Law of Choice, which was granted to men. To choose God means to believe in Him and to really strive to change your character for the better. If there is no movement along this path given by Christ, there will be no help from Above. The Law does not help criminals unwilling to amend themselves. In this case, the Law does not support the ones who are lazy in spirit.

There is only one God and one Savior who gave a clear definition of the root cause of human suffering - sins, as well as precise instruction on how to climb out of the immoral quagmire. Then the question arises: “Why are there so many different Christian denominations?”

Let me quote Jesus Christ: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment.” (Matthew ch. 22, v. 37, 38). That means there is no Christian without love for God. How does Jesus Christ Himself define love for God? The answer is: “If you love Me, keep My commands.” “Whoever has My commands and keeps them is the one who loves Me.” “Anyone who does not love Me will not obey My teaching.” (John ch. 14, v. 15, 21, 24). So, we can conclude: the majority of the believers in God do not love Him!

If disciples would accurately and fully learn His Word, the individual interpretations would converge. Then, there would be only one denomination with precise and systematic delivery. Since there is just one source, that should be inevitable.

So, what do we now see? Faith that has been cultivated over centuries in the authority of Jesus's apostles that is now indisputable. What about Christianity by Jesus Chris Himself?

What was His opinion about His apostles? Addressing the apostles, He spoke: “I have much more to say to you, more than you can now bear.” (John ch. 16, v. 12). After Jesus's death, in a revelation He addresses John: “I know your deeds, your hard work, and your perseverance. I know that you cannot tolerate wicked people, that you have tested those who claim to be apostles but are not, and have found them false.” (Revelation, ch. 2, v. 2).

I will quote one of the apostles: “For we know in part and we prophesy in part, but when completeness comes, what is in part disappears.” (Apostle Paul, 1 Corinthians, ch. 13, v. 9, 10).

Once again, pure logic tells us that imperfect and incomplete knowledge cannot lead to the Truth. Perhaps, this is the reason for discrepancies in theory and practical application, as well as for the fact of the existence of numerous denominations and the moral collapse to which we have succumbed. Paul the apostle in his message to the Romans made a statement about the impossibility of victory over sins of the flesh. However, in Russia, there are religious devotees who are known to have disproved this doctrine with their personal experience.

The apostles were brave and honorable people, but like any person, they were not insulated from making mistakes. It was not the apostles’ fault that in the 4th century some felt the need to merge and canonize contradicting opinions. These contradicting opinions were not scrutinized by personal experience and were exalted to the status of the unchallengeable religious core. Any unbiased researcher of biblical texts can see the discrepancies between the opinions of the apostles and with the Teaching of Jesus Christ. People’s undefeated vanity, besides other vices, became an insurmountable obstacle on the road to delivering the Word to people’s consciousness.

So, whose opinion do we accept as the truth? If this is a religion from Jesus Christ, then His direct speech, His Word must be the base for theory and practical application of the religious doctrine for any Christian. The Son of God gave men a task - obey the Commandments to guarantee a happy life. The human spirit inadvertently carries within it the matrix of the Law. The Law, God’s Will or Holy Spirit, created the human spirit. To make this a spiritual realization for a person means to stop the multi-thousand-year battle with himself of not obeying the Law and suffering the consequences. That will lead to an understanding of the purpose of living on earth, as well as the meaning of life itself. That is the real journey to the Truth. We still do not see this happening.

The Truth, which came to earth, is strict and irreconcilable with the sin. However, the key to the Truth was lost somewhere centuries ago. Foreseeing this loss, Jesus Christ predicted the inevitable Judgment and the coming of the Son of Man when “… all the people of the earth will mourn…”. The purpose of His coming is to reinstate Lawfulness and to overthrow the Darkness and its earthly carriers. “Whoever is not with Me is against Me.” (Matthew, ch. 12, v. 30).

The experience of a very few spiritual devotees has proven that to bring oneself under the Law of the Creator is challenging and time-consuming, but doable. It is precisely this work that brings real living in accordance with the Word given from Above. That is the real Communion with Christ versus the symbolic Communion via bread and wine.

Leading a life free of sin means achieving reconciliation with the Creator, love towards Him, and re-establishing the connection with Him. Then and only then the word religion becomes meaningful. This spiritual experience is necessary. Then all branches would merge into one religion; there would be no reason for opposition, for the Word of God is free from contradictions.

“Whoever says, “I know Him,” but does not do what He commands is a liar, and the truth is not in that person. But if anyone obeys His word, love for God is truly made complete in them.” (1 John, ch. 2, v. 4).

There is no desire to accuse any of the denominations, which showed many good deeds and earthly accomplishments. At the end of the day, it’s not the governments, disagreements of the numerous denominations, the materialism of science, or the harmful technological advances to blame, as many may think. All of that is merely the product of spiritual poverty and the false stance of each and every individual that makes up the entire spiritually deprived society. Such a fallen civilization is doomed unless it makes a drastic turn towards morality!

It’s not the biblical quotes or the superficial appeals that are needed, but the sharing of spiritual experience and modes of battling with sins. Without this battle, there is not and never will be any healing spiritual process. But to share such an experience, one must have one. Humanity has learned many things except for one thing, the main thing - how to live.

Physics of Religion in a Nutshell

When a person possesses genuine spiritual faith and is victorious over his sins, including negative emotions and thoughts, he gradually recovers the ability to perceive intuitively. That ability was previously lost as a result of the Fall of Man. Intuitive perceptions are generated by the spirit and are a different type of radiation. This type of radiation has a wave speed much faster than the slow waves of our feelings. Thus, it is much more powerful.

Then, the dominant of Conscience and Love is gradually restored, which is in much deficit in modern society. Recovery of the spiritual qualities and abilities was achieved to some degree by such individuals as Sergius of Radonezh, Seraphim of Vyritsa, Seraphim of Sarov, and so on. “Not everyone who says to Me “Lord, Lord” will enter the Kingdom of Heaven, but only the one who does the will of My Father who is in Heaven.” (Matthew, ch. 7, v. 21). The Will of the Father is the Laws, the commandments. The above quote defines the “pass” into the spiritual world, which is impossible without rectification, meaning obeying the commandments. Otherwise, the connection is not restored with the spirit, since personal vibrations, distorted by sins, do not correspond and are not in line with the lawful spiritual vibrations! There is no resonance, no correlation in characteristics of the waves, which is the base for any wave coupling.

The Word of Jesus Christ and the experience of the people mentioned above, who practiced His Word, is an example to be followed. That is the all-cure and the national idea at least for the part of society that did not yet succumb to the brazen onslaught of immorality, hypocritical lies, and corruption. “… but the one who stands firm to the end will be saved.” (Matthew, ch. 24, v. 13).

Many, including very well-known scientists, speak of the fact that God began His silent but conspicuous dialog with men. What is happening with Earth and the Solar system, where many astronomical, helio, and geological parameters have gone out of their regular mode, speaks of impending changes. What changes and when? The Bible answers: “But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in Heaven, or the Son, but only the Father.” (Matthew, ch. 24, v. 36). Jesus Christ pointed out indirect indications of the approaching Catastrophe: “Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places… and many will betray and hate each other, and many false prophets will appear and deceive many people.” (Matthew, ch. 24, v. 7-10).

The ongoing developments warn us and put us at a crossroads. If we are the children of Truth and Light, we must prove it by amending ourselves. If we let spiritual laziness put us to sleep and we continue compromising with the Darkness, then we will be left in the dark and will keep on enduring humiliation and degradation until the sentence is given by the Supreme Judge.

What is man’s sin or felony before the Creator? Unfortunately, the masses (I only refer to the believers) consider themselves nearly sinless. Those people have an opinion that sins take place only in the realm of words and deeds. However, there is also an invisible but quite real realm of thoughts and feelings that comprises the relationship between man and the world.

Everyone understands how uncomfortable it is to be in the presence of an envious, rude, or cruel person even if the person is not interacting with you. That is an impact of the field of vibrations of forms created by thoughts and feelings. Those forms are unpleasant because they are malevolent, hostile, and we can register them with our biosensors. Our deeds may be physical, verbal, mental, or emotional. All of these realms are permeated by radiation of the Supreme Will that created us. Somewhere our misconduct is registered and eventually is returned to us in the form of an adverse life event. And most people wonder why they have such an unfavorable destiny despite being good citizens and “faithful believers”. This approach results in searching for someone to blame. Their complaints are even sometimes directed at the Creator.

The knowledge of the Laws of God and the knowledge of His qualities is the foundation in battling one’s sins. True Faith is the base for moving upward. If one has Faith, then the logic of religion is simple and clear. This logic will lead a person to make a realization about the necessity of spiritual transformation.

Let’s take an emotion such as resentment as a reaction to injustice. If we ask a believer: “Is God fair?”, the answer will be: “Yes!” “Is God perfection?” “Yes!” That begs for another question: “Then how could a fair and perfect God create an imperfect and unfair world where it appears that evil wins? Isn’t He the Creator and the ruler of this world?”

So, what is the reason for this apparent discrepancy or inconsistency? The answer is simple. Assume, a sinful person (nobody is a saint) got offended. People tend to view the situation between the offender and the offended as something that happened here and now. Instead, it must be examined in the context of one’s entire past life, where a person made numerous sins. Then one may view it as “what you sow, that shall you reap a hundredfold”, where sowing was a sin, or breaking the Law. Reaping is suffering when the sin is returned by the Law. That is fair from the point of view of the Creator, and that Justice rules the world. Each crime receives an inevitable punishment.

True Christianity is free of the feeling of resentment, and it shows genuine forgiveness through a logical realization of being responsible for each and every act. In this case, forgiveness is called humility, when an offended person considers his offender an intermediary of the Law, simply returning his sin back to him. Forgiveness is accepting in humility the right to be punished for one’s misconduct. Otherwise, a person who lacks understanding of this arrangement becomes upset with the act of the Law. Therefore, he resists God without even realizing it. Resentment is not as harmless as one may think. Additionally, genuine and conscious forgiveness leads a sinner to be forgiven by the Creator for the sin that was “tied” to the punishment. Then, the sinner is redeemed before the Law for that particular sin. He personally redeemed it with his suffering.

This mechanism of redemption was given directly by Jesus Christ when He addressed His disciples: “For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.” (Matthew, ch. 6, v. 14, 15). The spiritual devotees in their personal experience were implementing precisely this. Sergius of Radonizh, for example, in his teenage years became a hermit, left society, and for many years was redeeming his sins. As you can see, he succeeded in it quite well!

We have been told that we suffer because of our sins, and that is true. The experience of Sergius of Radonizh and others like him showed that the real process of redemption is lengthy and tough.  God is constant, and from the day of creation of the world He never changed His Laws or the essence of His Word addressed to people. The only thing that varied was the form of delivery, according to the educational and cultural level of the society to where the Visitor from Above came.

Who does humanity consider their societal leaders?  Politics, science, and the church claim this role. How far have we come, despite a large number of geniuses?  You yourselves can answer that question. “For the wisdom of this world is foolishness in God’s sight.” (1 Corinthians, ch. 3, v. 19).  What is the weakness in the scientific approach? In the best-case scenario, they educate and raise an intellectual individual.  However, there is a lack of moral education, such as conscience and sense of responsibility for one’s behavior. The process of education had obviously failed a long time ago.  As a result, society is degrading. An intelligent person without control of conscience is a terrifying phenomenon.

Without faith and spiritual experience, there is no access to the world beyond visible matter where the causal (cause of) level of all knowledge lies.  The psychic experience proved a thousandfold that a human has abilities to access the world beyond visible matter. This spontaneity must be researched.  Learning this process should be included in the curriculum of a civilized form of education. However, a researcher in this field cannot analyze data and draw valid conclusions because he operates only with his brain, which is limited to the wave speed of electromagnetic fluctuations of about 300,000 km/sec.  And psychic mediums, except hypnotists, work at the wave level of about two orders of magnitude faster than 300,000 km/sec. Advanced physics (torsion physics) partially tapped into that knowledge.

What about religion?  That which we call revelation (not to be confused with meditation) is much more abundant in comparison to psychic achievements, but most importantly, revelation is the key and not the lock pick to Heaven.  “No one comes to the Father except through Me.” (John, ch. 14, v. 6).  We can quote beautiful phrases until blue in the face, however, as we know, the road to hell is paved with good intentions.  That is where we are headed.

Allow me to go over the anatomy of stress and the origin of disease of the physical body.  Our bodies are made of cells. Cells are made of molecules, atoms, protons, neutrons, and electrons, which are connected by specific dependencies and constants.  Ideally functioning elementary particles provide a harmony of atoms, cells and, thus, the health of the body. In the material world, the stability of the atomic processes is ensured by the wave speed of 300,000 km/sec, whereas the wave speed of emotions is two orders of magnitude faster.

Impulses of resentment, fear, jealousy, or envy cause a “crushing” of the atom, meaning the regular interaction of the elementary particles, cells, and biochemical processes in the body become disrupted.  That is how the initial stage of the disease takes place. With continuous daily pressure by the negative emotions, the disease progresses on to more advanced stages. Man is a sinner, and therefore, whether he admits it or not, he creates evil.  By the Law of Resemblance, he thus attracts evil. This is the result of a lack of knowledge in this field. It is impossible to get rid of negativity, which is destroying our lives, without the right world outlook and help from the Light. And that is practically unachievable without the deep understanding of the essence of religion, which holds the knowledge of the laws of life of this world.  Without this knowledge, we are blind and deaf.

All those who came from Above tried to wean us off of our mistakes and taught us how to be happy.  At best, we ignored them, but more often we chased them away, persecuted, and even murdered them. Apparently, after the murder of Jesus Christ, the Creator ran out of patience.  Therefore, the warning about the Last Judgment is conveyed in the New Testament.

The effort to change the world without altering people’s consciousness is a waste of time.  We have been sowing sins for ages, and now they are returning to us. We get offended. Thus, we refuse to pay our dues, causing the Law to double the punishment, and so forth.  Consequently, we do not have the right to a happy life even in theory.

It is important to remember that all people are of the same spiritual origin.  Thus, the idea of evolution, presented in the Christian religion, is one for all.  All a man needs to do is to abandon his spiritual laziness, verify through personal experience the accuracy of the direction he is heading (just like in scientific approach), and to subdue his earthly activity to the spiritual dominant.

There are some interesting findings based on the acquired experience.  The accumulated material would be sufficient for many hours worth of lectures.  Anyone reading these words will inevitably have questions. There are answers, including to the sacred question: “Why in the just world do bad people seemingly prosper, and good people suffer and sometimes perish?”

Given time, I will explain it in detail, using simple logic.  Only personal experience allows one “to separate the wheat from the weeds” in this challenging process of spiritual development.

The main reason why a man gets lured by false teachings is laziness.  Many false teachers appeal to the masses to believe without reservation in their messianism.  They demonstrate paranormal abilities as proof of their divine origin. In return, they promise to free people of their problems, meaning to relieve a sinner from the consequences of one’s sins without personal labor.  The lazy in spirit is attracted to the idea of getting everything effortlessly.  This is the reason for the massive success of false teachers.

God is pure Clarity and Naturalness.  The teaching of the Truth is very simple.  Jesus for a reason chose His disciples out of modest people like fishermen, etc., instead of priests, Pharisees, and clever teachers.  They neither possessed the vanity of the all-knowing, hypocrisy nor artful trickery.

If you find yourself exploring spiritual science, keep in mind that if the teacher does not have comprehensible and straightforward answers to your questions, then he does not know his subject.  Vanity prevents one from acknowledging it. In the meantime, the “fog” is created out of complicated terminology, restrictions, and hints of the teacher’s exclusivity. In the business of freeing the spirit, there are no inflated ambiguities and mysterious concepts.  That is a smokescreen to pompously hide one’s ignorance while luring many onto wrong and dangerous paths.

The Truth unites, binds, gives Faith, Hope, and Love.  The Darkness (Evil) operates in the mode of “divide and conquer” by using our vices.

Pluralism in religion is necessary as the only measure in sustaining good relations while we are divided by ignorance.

Yuri Lutsenko

English version of lectures and articles can be found on the YouTube channel: Pita Chock1

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